A Change of Scenery

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"Mom," Atlas sighs as she hugs her mom for the 10th time. "We're not moving, we're just going on a much needed vacation." She smiles.

"I know," Lana sniffs. "But it's a whole month without seeing you, Gal, or sweet little Jordy."

"I will send you pictures of us everyday," Gal smiles as she hugs Lana. "I promise."

"Okay," Lana nods. "Bye bye Jordy." She kisses Jordan's cheek. "Be safe, let me know when you've reached every destination."

"I will mami," Atlas smiles. "I love you."

"I love you mija." Lana waves.

Atlas sighs as she sits in the back of the Uber. "To Miami International Airport please."


"Shhh," Gal hums as she rocks Jordan. "That's it," She smiles. "Go to sleep my love." She pats Jordan's bottom.

"You know she's actually the best baby on this whole plane?" Atlas comments as she gives Gal a spoon full of her pudding.

"I know," Gal chuckles. "She's the only one not crying right now." She smiles. "Don't jinx us though." She warns.

Atlas holds her hands up as she looks at Gal. "I would never." She smiles.

Gal shakes her head as she glances down at Jordan. "She's asleep." She whispers.

"Movie time!" Atlas whispers. She grabs her IPad and hands Gal an airpod. "What do you want to watch my love?" She asks.

"Hmmm," Gal hums. "How about Pretty Woman, we haven't seen that movie in awhile." She smiles.

Atlas nods as she clicks on the movie. "Let me know when your arms start hurting you."

Gal smiles as she kisses Atlas' cheek. "I will,  baby."


"Thank you." Atlas smiles as she thanks their driver for dropping them off at their rental.

"Baby, where are we?" Gal yawns.

"At the house I rented for us." Atlas smiles as she grabs their bags.

"You rented a whole house for us?" Gal asks as she follows Atlas.

"I did." Atlas smiles as she unlocks the front door and walks into the house.

Maldives House

"Oh my god." Gal looks around in awe as she walks through the house with Jordan in her arms. "How many bedrooms does it have?" She asks.

"Three bedrooms." Atlas puts their bags down and follows Gal around. "I know Jordan sleeps through the night now and that she likes her space at night, so I figured she could stay in the bedroom closest to ours and the 3rd bedroom would be a room for me to work on whatever I need to for the hotel if need be." She smiles.

"I love that idea!" Gal smiles. "Is there a crib in the room?" She asks.

"It does." Atlas nods. "I also brought her camera we clip on her crib, so we can check in on her." She smiles.

"What a good momma," Gal smiles as she kisses Atlas. "I'm gonna get Jordan settled in and unpack our things. Will you please order us some food?" She smiles.

"Of course my love." Atlas smiles.

Atlas carries she and Gal's bags into their bedroom and orders them some food while Gal unpacks Jordan's things. Atlas walks around outside and picks up the groceries she had ordered so she can put them away.

"Did you order groceries on our way here?" Gal asks as she sits Jordan in her bouncy on the counter.

"I did." Atlas yawns. "I knew we wouldn't want to go out and but them once we got here."

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