Planning for the Future

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"Come on babe!" Atlas says as she stands in the doorway with Jordan in her arms. "Me and Jordy wanna go swimming."

Gal shakes her head with a smile on her face as she looks at her wife and their daughter. "I'm ready," She kisses Atlas' cheek. "Let's go!"

Atlas grabs Gal's hand as she leads her towards the ocean. "Look at you holding your head up like a big girl." She coos at Jordan.

"She's almost 5 months old, baby." Gal says as they step onto the beach.

"You're getting way too big, mija." Atlas kisses Jordan's cheek.

Jordan smiles as she holds onto her momma's bikini straps.

"She's gonna be 1 before we know it." Gal sighs as she lays a towel down on the sand and sits.

Atlas sits next to Gal as she bounces Jordan. "Want another baby anytime soon?" She asks.

Gal looks at Atlas with an unsure look on her face. "I wanna see what she's like as a one year old first." She smiles as Jordan reaches towards her. "She's an amazing baby, but once she becomes a toddler that's where things start going south." She says in a funny voice as she takes Jordan from Atlas. "Maybe before she turns two we can talk about having another one." She leans towards Atlas and kisses her.

Atlas smiles as Gal pulls back and looks at her. "I will happily wait to have another baby with you if I can get another set of eyes just like yours to look into."

Gal smiles as Atlas stands. "Where are you going?" She asks.

"I wanna get in the water." Atlas says as she slips her shorts off. "I'm sure our daughter would like to get in the water as well." She motions to Jordan.

Gal hands Jordan to Atlas and smiles as they take off towards the ocean. She grabs her phone and snaps a picture of them walking down the beach and sends it to Lana and Irit. She glances up from her phone and sees Atlas sitting on the edge of the water with Jordan in her lap. She quickly stands and runs down the beach to her wife and daughter. "Oh my goodness," She smiles as she videos Atlas and Jordan. "Baby's first time in the ocean!"

Atlas smiles as she watches Jordan splash in the water. "You love the water like momma don't you?" She kisses Jordan's cheek.

Gal admires the scene in front of her as she watches. "I never want any of this to change." She sighs as Atlas and Jordan look at her. "Never change."

<*> 6wks later

"Thank you so much Becca," Atlas rubs her face as she sits at her desk. "I will look through these files and get back to you at a later date." She nods as she types on her computer."Okay, bye." She groans as she lays her head on her desk.

Gal peaks her head into Atlas' office. "Babe?"

"Yes?" Atlas mumbles.

"What's wrong?" Gal asks.

"Just some mix up with some documents." Atlas sighs as she lifts her head and looks at Gal. "Just frustrating."

Gal sighs as she walks into the office and over to Atlas. "Kiss?" She asks.

Atlas smiles as Gal sits on her lap and she kisses her. "Where's our daughter?" She asks.

"She's napping." Gal mumbles as she lays her head against Atlas' chest.

Atlas nods. "Have you talked to your mom recently?" She asks.

"Yes," Gal smiles. "Shen mentioned that you extended an invitation for her and my father to visit soon."

"I did." Atlas smiles. "I want them to come and see Jordan while she's still small."

Gal nods. "That's a great idea my love." She kisses Atlas' cheek and stands. "I'm going to clean our bedroom."

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