It's a girl!

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*1 Month Later*

"Are we ready to see what you're having?" Dr. Knox smiles.

"Yes we are." Gal smiles as she squeezes Atlas' hand.

Dr. Knox smiles as she looks at the baby on the screen. "There's those long legs."

Atlas smiles as she leans closer to Gal and watches the baby on the screen.

"I can see all 10 fingers." Dr. Knox smiles.

Gal smiles as watches Atlas' face. "She has your long fingers babe."

"You think it's a girl?" Dr. Knox asks.

"My father said we were having a girl." Atlas smiles. "I know it's a girl."

Dr. Knox smiles as she looks at screen. "Your father was right." She smiles at Atlas. "What's her name?" She asks.

"Jordan Sky." Atlas smiles.

Dr. Knox smiles as she takes picture of baby Jordan. "Well, baby Jordan, you have two mommies who are ready to meet you." She chuckles. "You also have an amazing guardian angel watching over you."

"Yeah she does." Gal smiles as she squeezes Atlas' hand.

"Okay," Dr. Knox smiles as she looks at Gal and Atlas. "I will see you both in 4 weeks. You'll be almost 20 weeks by then, and we'll check on little one." She smiles. "Here are your pictures."

Atlas smiles as she takes the pictures from Dr. Knox. "Thank you so much."

Dr. Knox stands. "You're welcome!" She looks at Gal. "Be safe and let me know if you need to see me sooner."

"Thank you Dr. Knox." Gal smiles as Dr. Knox leaves the exam room. She giggles as Atlas hugs her. "Papi was right."

"I knew he was." Atlas mumbles as she holds Gal in her arms. "How are we going to announce her?" She asks as Gal stands.

Gal shrugs as she grabs Atlas' hand and they walk out of the doctors office. "As long as our families know, I don't really care if anyone else knows." She smiles as Atlas opens her door for her. "You're so sweet to me." She smiles as Atlas kisses her.

"I've gotta take care of my woman." Atlas winks as she helps Gal into the car.  "We also need to prepare for your parents to come back into town." She smiles as she lets go of Gal. 

"I'm so happy they've got to come twice this month." Gal smiles as she sits in the passenger seat. 

"Me too." Atlas smiles as she climbs into the driver's seat. "Come here." She smiles as Gal leans over and she kisses her. "Let's go home and daydream about our baby girl."


"Atlas..." Gal moans as she lays with her hands behind her head.

"Yes mi amor?" Atlas mumbles as she holds onto Gal's thighs.

"Go faster..." Gal sighs as she grips one of Atlas' hands.

"Okay," Atlas smirks as she grips Gal's thighs.

"Oh my god." Gal gasps as she moves her hips against Atlas' mouth. "You're so good." She moans.

Atlas raises an eyebrow as she watches Gal's face contort in pleasure. "Gonna cum again?" She asks with a smirk.

Gal nods hastily as she moves her hips faster. "You make me feel so good." She moans as Atlas slips two fingers inside her. "Fuck."

Atlas smirks as she watches Gal come undone. "Third times the charm maybe?" She questions as she loosens her grin on Gal's thighs.

Gal looks at Atlas as she pants. "Maybe..." She smiles as Atlas backs away from her. "Where are you going?" She asks.

"I need to get cleaned up." Atlas crosses her arms as she looks at Gal. "You're parents are almost here and instead of getting ready for the past hour like I was supposed to, you convinced me to eat you out on our counter." She smirks. "They could literally walk in right now and see you butt ass naked on our counter."

Gal sighs as she sits up. "You sound like you didn't have fun." She raises an eyebrow at Atlas.

"Oh I had fun," Atlas smiles as she walks back up to Gal and stands between her legs. "I made you cum three times in a span of 40 minutes." She looks Gal over. "That's a record for us." She smiles.

Gal smiles as she wraps her arms around Atlas' neck. "I love you."

"I love you," Atlas kisses Gal. "Now can we go up stairs and hop in a quick shower before your parents get here?" She asks.

"I guess." Gal fake sighs.

"God," Atlas helps Gal off the counter. "You and your hormones are going to ruin me."


"Do you like it here in Miami?" Irit, Gal's mom, asks as she and Gal sit in the living room while Michael and Atlas cook them dinner.

"I love it here." Gal smiles. "I prefer being here to living in Cambridge."

"The warm weather is better for you and the baby." Irit smiles.

Gal smiles as Atlas walks into the living room with a glass of wine for her mom. "Everything okay?" She asks.

"Everything's good." Atlas smiles as she hands Irit her wine. "Me and big Mike are almost done."

Irit chuckles as she sips her wine. "He likes when you call him that."

"Good." Atlas smiles as she leans over the couch and kisses Gal's cheek. "I'll come back when the food is ready." She turns and walks back into the kitchen.

"You two are so good together." Irit smiles.

Gal sighs as she stretches. "I don't want for anything." She smiles as she looks at her mom. "She's going to be an amazing momma." She rubs her small baby bump.

Irit smiles. "You're both going to be amazing mommies." She grabs Gal's hand and squeezes it.

"Did I tell you her name?" Gal asks as she motions to her belly.

"No," Irit shakes her head. "You've already picked a name for her?" She chuckles.

"Atlas' dad actually named her." Gal smiles. "Before he passed away he said he knew we were having a girl and that her name should be Jordan Sky." She smiles. "Sabian said her name should be part of me and Atlas, so her first name is after the Jordan river and her middle names come from Atlas the titan."

"I love it." Irit smiles. "Jordan Sky..." She smiles as she looks at Gal. "She's going to be a handful." She chuckles.

Gal rolls her eyes. "With Atlas as her momma there's no telling what kind of trouble they'll get into."

"Are you talking about me?" Atlas asks as she and Michael walk into the living room.

"How'd you know?" Gal chuckles as Atlas sits next to her.

"Al has been telling me about your wedding." Michael smiles as he sits next to Irit.

"Oh really?" Gal looks at Atlas. "What has she told you?" She asks.

"That you're going to elope." Michael smiles. "I don't blame you." He chuckles. "A wedding is a lot to plan and on top of a wedding you have a baby on the way." He grabs one of Gal's hands. "If you thought I was going to be mad I wouldn't be able to walk you down the aisle, I'm not." He smiles. "You're about to give me my first grandchild and you're going to marry someone I love." He kisses Gal's hand. "Elope and go on your... what did you call it, Al?"

"A babymoon." Atlas smiles.

"Yes, a babymoon." Michael smiles. "Get married and go on your last vacation as a family of two."

Gal smiles as she squeezes her dad's hand. "I love you dad."

Michael smiles as he winks at Gal. "I love you more."


I thought I wasn't going to be able to upload this week, but surprise! Here's a new chapter! I hope you all enjoyed! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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