She's here!!!

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"Fuck!" Gal groans.

Atlas jumps and falls off the bed. "What?! What!" She groans as she gets up off the floor.

"Baby, I think it's time." Gal groans as she sits up.

"Oh shit." Atlas hops into her and Gal's closet and throws some clothes on. "Tell me what you need babe?"

"Um..." Gal tries to control her breathing as she stands. "My hospital bag is already in the car along with the car seat." She starts to tear up as she holds her belly.

"Hey," Atlas runs to Gal's side. "Everything is going to be okay, I promise." She kisses Gal's forehead. "Let's get you to the hospital." She grabs Gal's phone as she leads her towards the stairs. She carefully leads Gal down the stairs and out to the car.

"Thank you baby." Gal smiles as Atlas hands her her hospital bag.

Atlas winks at Gal as she closes the door and runs around to the driver's side. "Okay," She sighs as she starts the car. "To the hospital!"


"Thank you," Atlas smiles as she walks into the hospital room. "Baby," She winces as she sees Gal going through a contraction. She runs up to Gal's side and holds her hand.

"Why did you leave?" Gal huffs out.

"I was just checking on some things." Atlas kisses Gal's forehead. "I won't leave again." She smiles. "I promise."

Gal moans as she gets another contraction.

"The doctor will be in a few minutes." A nurse smiles as she walks into the room. "I'm going to check you and see how far along you're looking."

Gal nods as she winces.

Atlas presses kisses to Gal's hand as the nurse checks her. "I love you."

Gal smiles as she pulls Atlas down for a kiss.

"I'm gonna get the doctor now." The nurse stands up quickly. "You're fully dilated."

Gal looks at Atlas with a scared expression. "I'm not gonna the epidural." She starts to tear up as Lana runs into the room.

"I'm here!" Lana says breathlessly.

"Just in time." Atlas says as Dr. Knox and her nurses rush into the room.

"Lana, can you hold my hand?" Gal whimpers.

"Of course," Lana rushed over to Gal's side and grabs her hand.

"Okay Gal," Dr. Knox smiles. "Are you ready?"

Gal nods as she looks up at Atlas. "Baby,"

"Yes?" Atlas smiles as she looks down at Gal.

"I'm scared." Gal's bottom lip starts to wobble.

"Hey," Atlas leans over Gal's face and kisses her. "You're the strongest woman I know." She smiles. "We have waited 9 whole months for this moment." She smiles. "My father passed away, we moved to a different state, started different jobs, and now we're about to embark on a new adventure."

Gal sniffs as Atlas kisses her.

"You've got this." Atlas smiles.

"Okay Gal," Dr. Knox smiles. "I want you to give me a big push." She says as she puts her gloves on. "I can see her head already, so I don't think it'll take much."

Gal grips Atlas' hand as she pushes. She moans in pain as she feels Atlas running a rag over her forehead.

"You're doing so good, baby." Atlas says as she pushes Gal's hair out of her face.

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