Merry Christmas!

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December 20th, 2019 - Friday - 9:45 am - Tozzer Building - Harvard Uni.

"I hope you all have a great break," Gal smiles as she sits on the edge of her desk.

"Wait," A student stands. "You said we could ask you questions after our last class Professor Gadot."

Gal smiles as she crosses her arms. "I did say that." She sighs. "What would you all like to know?" She smiles.

"Favorite color?" A student asks.

"Red," Gal smiles.

"Heels or flats?" Another asks.

"None," Gal smiles. "I prefer walking around barefoot."

"Are you single?" A boy asks.

Gal laughs as Atlas' head pops up from the couch in her side office. "I'm in a very happy relationship."  She smiles. "So no, I'm not single."

All the students frown as they hear laughing coming from the side office.

Gal laughs as she looks over at Atlas. "You're freaking them out babe." She smiles as Atlas walks over to her laughing. "This is my girlfriend." She smiles as Atlas leans against her desk next to her.

"Hi," Atlas smiles as she covers her face.

Gal smiles. "Any other questions?" She asks.

A student in the very back raises their hand.

"Yes?" Gal smiles.

"How long have you two been dating?" The student asks.

"Almost 10 months," Gal smiles as Atlas inches closer to her.

"Where did you meet?" Another student asks.

"We got to know each other in this class room." Atlas smiles. "She was my anthropology professor." She laughs.

"So you're our age?" Someone asks.

"Basically," Atlas shrugs.

"You're lucky." A student smiles.

Gal smiles as she glances at Atlas. "Okay enough questions," She stands. "Everyone have a good break."


Gal shifts as she feels cold air hitting her back. "Baby?" She mumbles huskily.

"Merry Christmas." Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's cheek.

Gal smiles as Atlas wraps her arms around her waist. "Merry Christmas." She mumbles.

"Ready to open your presents?" Atlas asks.

"You got me presents?" Gal asks.

"Duh." Atlas smiles. "Come on." She stands.

"Wait." Gal's teeth chatter.

Atlas shakes her head as she grabs one of her soccer hoodies and puts it on Gal. "Better?" She asks.

"Better." Gal smiles. "Now I'm ready." She grabs Atlas' hand and follows her into the Living Room. "Good Morning Zeus." She smiles.

"Merry Christmas big boy." Atlas smiles as she and Gal sit on the couch. "Okay." She smiles as she grabs 5 presents from under the tree.

"Babe." Gal smiles. "You didn't have to get me anything."

"It's our first Christmas together." Atlas smiles. "I had to."

"Well let me get yours." Gal smiles as she stands and walks back into their bedroom. She walks back out with 3 presents.

"That's a big box babe." Atlas smiles as Gal sits her boxes on the floor. "You didn't have to get me anything."

Gal looks at Atlas with her head to the side. "Just one of your presents goofy." She smiles as Atlas hands her a present.

Atlas shakes her head as she opens her first gift. "Stop it babe." She smiles as she looks at Gal. "You got me a Switch!"

Gal smiles as Atlas tackles her in a huge. "I was sick of hearing you talk about how much you wanted one." She chuckles.

"I love it!" Atlas smiles as she looks at her Switch.

Gal laughs to herself as she opens her gift. "Baby..." She looks up at Atlas.

"I wanted to get you something special." Atlas smiles as Gal pulls a diamond necklace and matching bracelet out of the box.

Gal looks at Atlas as tears fall down her cheeks. "I love them." She sniffs as hugs Atlas. "Thank you baby."

"Anything for you baby." Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's forehead.

Gal sniffs as she opens her next present. "Baby." She covers her face.

Atlas smiles as she sets her Switch and games down. "What?" She chuckles.

Gal looks at Atlas. "How much money did you spend on me?" She asks.

Atlas smiles as rests an arm on the back of the couch. "Not enough."

Gal shakes her head as she pulls a pair of UGG Boots out of the box. "Really?" She asks.

"You broke your other ones." Atlas smiles. "And you're always complaining about how cold your feet are." She picks Gal's legs up and puts them over her lap. "You're welcome." She smiles.

Gal shakes her head as she grabs her third present. "I feel bad I only got you a Switch and two games." She sighs.

"Hey," Atlas grabs Gal's face. "You got me exactly what I wanted." She smiles. "I got you all of these things because I love you and want to spoil you." She smiles. "Let me spoil you." She chuckles.

Gal sniffs as Atlas kisses her nose. "You're too good for me." She sighs as Atlas rubs her feet while she opens her third present. "Now this is actually something I asked for!" She smiles as she pulls a new Red coat out of the box. "Thank you baby." She smiles.

"You're very welcome." Atlas smiles as she pecks Gal on the cheek.

"I can wear it with my new UGGs." Gal smiles as she grabs her last box.

Atlas smiles. "I know." She rubs Gal's legs. "I thought that same thing."

Gal opens her last present and smiles as she sees what's in the box. "Pajamas?" She smiles.

"It's Christmas." Atlas pulls the polar bear pjs out of the box. "I thought we could match." She smiles.

Gal smiles as she sets the box on the ground. "I fucking love you so much." She wraps her arms around Atlas' neck and kisses her.

"Merry Christmas Gal." Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal.

Gal smiles as she rests her forehead against Atlas'. "Merry Christmas Atlas."


Surprise! I thought I'd surprise you all with two new updates on this story! You all seem to be really enjoying this one just as much as I am, so expect a lot more updates soon...! I hope you all enjoyed!!!

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