The Swing of Things

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"Boo!" Atlas chuckles as she plays with Jordan. "You're the chunkiest 3 month old I've ever seen." She kisses Jordan's cheeks. "Oh my goodness!" She smiles as Jordan coos at her.

Gal glances into the bedroom as she stands in the bathroom doing her hair. "Babe, what time do we have to leave?" She asks.

"20 minutes." Atlas smiles as stands and walks into the bathroom with Jordan in her arms. "I'm so happy I'm in a boot now and I can walk." She sighs as she kisses Jordan's cheek.

"Me too," Gal glances at Atlas. "You can finally help carry our chunky girly." She makes a funny face at Jordan.

Jordan coos and rubs her face into Atlas' shoulder.

"You get all shy when mommy talks to you." Gal smiles. "Sounds like your momma when I first met her."

"Can you not tell our daughter about how shy I was around you when we met?" Atlas shakes her head as she pays Jordan's bottom. "Can you say, Mommy we're going to be late to the fundraiser if you don't stop putting makeup on your face." She smirks at Gal.

Gal rolls her eyes as she puts her mascara down. "Done." She turns at Atlas. "How do I look?" She asks.

"Very fuckable." Atlas smirks.

"Hush," Gal swats at Atlas as she takes Jordan from her. "Let's go, you have to give a speech and I have to make nice with all the rich people you invited." She sighs as she walks out of their room.

"This fundraiser is for people struggling with addiction." Atlas looks at Gal. "My dad loved raising money for this charity because of Orlando." She looks at Gal with a sigh. "He struggled with substance abuse. I personally think he's still struggling with it, but I'm not going to question it." She shrugs.

"I didn't know Lando struggled with drugs." Gal walks towards Atlas. "I'm sorry my love." She lays a hand on Atlas' cheek.

"It's okay," Atlas shrugs. "Orlando is his own person." She stands. "Ready to go?" She asks.

"Yes," Gal kisses Atlas. "Let's go!"


"Great party Atlas." Nile slurs as he pats Atlas' back.

Atlas chuckles as she hugs her big brother. "I love you Nile, you deserve a night away from your kids." She smiles.

"Mami is a trouper for watching them all this evening." Alexis, Nile's wife, smiles.

"She's in heaven right now." Gal smiles. "All of her grandchildren are together."

"Papi would've loved it." Atlas smiles. "He would've been right upstairs with her if he were here."

Gal nods as she kisses Atlas' cheek. "He would've." She smiles.

"Okay," Orlando slurs. "Enough sad talk, Papi would've also loved that all of his kids are together and having fun." He hands Atlas a drink. "Drink up baby sis, you're baby free tonight and we've all got hotel rooms." He smiles.

"He's right." Atlas smiles as she takes the drink from Orlando. "Let's get drunk."

"Easy," Gal chuckles as she grabs a glass of champagne. "Slow and easy."

"I'm completely onboard for getting drunk." Milan nods as he downs his drink. "Hayden will be completely okay with it too." He smiles.

"Diana," Atlas smile as she throws an arm around Orlando's wife. "Are you gonna be my drinking buddy?" She asks.

"Sure," Diana smiles. "I'm not a mom, so I don't have kids that I need to look out for."

"Hahaha," Atlas laughs sarcastically. "Go get us some shots." She pushes Diana away.

"Desperate to get drunk huh?" Gal looks at Atlas with a smirk.

"I'm desperate to be drunk and dance with my wife in front of all the people that talk shit about me for being their boss and complain that I don't pay them enough." She smiles as she wraps her arms around Gal's waist.

"I see," Gal smirks. "I'm excited to have a night without our daughter and have you all to myself." She kisses Atlas. "I don't like sharing." She whispers.

"Very aware," Atlas smirks. "Now come and get drunk with me."


"Oh fuck..." Atlas slurs as she slow dances with Gal.

"Are you drunk babe?" Gal giggles.

"Are you drunk babe?" Atlas slurs.

"I am," Gal nods with a smile plastered on her face. "Are you ready to head up?" She asks as she wraps her arms around Atlas' neck.

Atlas hums as she bites Gal's neck. "Let's go."

Gal giggles as she grabs Atlas' hand and drags her out of the ballroom. She giggles as Atlas pushes her up against the wall outside of the elevator as they wait for it to come down. "Are you really going to do this in front of your employees?" She asks as Atlas bites and kisses her neck.

"Yep." Atlas grabs Gal's throat and kisses her. "I pay them so they can mind their own business." She smirks.

Gal smiles as Atlas starts kissing her. "Ah," She giggles as the elevator dings. "Saved by the bell." She laughs as Atlas drags her into the elevator. "You didn't like my joke?" She asks with a pout as Atlas tries to put a hand up under her dress.

"Hey, hey, hey," Gal grabs Atlas' hand. "Patience." She smirks.

"Babe, we're only on the 10th floor and I've got us on the 64th one!" Atlas whines.

"You can make it." Gal smiles.

Atlas groans as she rests her head against Gal's neck. "You're the only person that can make me calm down just from your touch." She sighs.

"Good." Gal sighs as she rubs circles on Atlas' back. "I love you."

"I love you more." Atlas mumbles.

Gal smiles as the elevator doors open. "We're here baby."

Atlas lifts her head and smirks. "My goal is to make it very difficult for you to walk tomorrow." She grabs Gal's hand and drags her out of the elevator.

Gal laughs. "Hmm, let's see what you can do Ms. Ramirez."


Gal pants as she lays over the edge of the bed.

"Did I prove myself to you?" Atlas pants as she stands.

Gal smiles as she tries to catch her breath. "Yes you did." She chuckles as Atlas pulls a shirt and her boxers on. "Where are you going?" She asks. "It's 5 in the morning."

"I'm not going anywhere." Atlas smiles as he hands Gal a shirt and a pair of her boxers. "I would like to talk to you about something." She sits on the bed in front of Gal.

"What would you like to talk about, my love?" Gal asks as she pulls the shirt on.

"Christmas is in two months and I was wondering if you'd want to go out of the country for Christmas?" Atlas asks.

Gal smiles. "Where do you want to go?" She asks.

"The Maldives," Atlas smiles. "I know how much you love it there and I know that we couldn't stay long when we went for your baby moon because we didn't know when Jordan would be coming, so I thought why not go for Christmas and New Years?" She shrugs.

"How long would we stay there?" Gal asks.

"I was thinking a month?" Atlas smiles. "Celebrate Christmas, New Years, and Jordan turning 6 months old." She laughs as Gal tackles her in a hug. "So yes you wanna go?" She asks.

"Yes!" Gal smiles as she holds onto Atlas. "I want to take Jordan to the Maldives and spend a whole month there soaking up the sun and having quality family time."

"Okay," Atlas kisses Gal. "Then it's settled. We're spending a whole month in the Maldives."

Noticed this story is #1 under #galgadot so I thought I'd post an update for you all! thank you so I much for enjoying this story! Finding time to write is hard during the holidays, but I promise I'm finished with this book just yet lol much love Xxx

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