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*8 weeks later*

"Are you packed?" Atlas asks as she hooks Zeus onto his leash.

"Just finished." Gal smiles as she looks up at Atlas. "Will you help me up?" She chuckles.

Atlas smiles as she grabs Gal's hands and helps her stand. "Can't get up on your own anymore?" She chuckles.

"No." Gal smiles as she rubs her very round baby bump. "Just a few more weeks."

Atlas kisses Gal's cheek. "I'm gonna load Zeus up." She grabs Gal's suitcase and Zeus' leash.

"I'm gonna make sure everything is off up here." Gal smiles. "I'll meet you downstairs."

"Okay baby," Atlas smiles as she turns and walks downstairs with Zeus.

Gal sighs happily to herself as she walks around her room making sure all the lights are turned off. Her and Atlas have been married for 8 weeks, during those 8 weeks, Atlas has found a new General Manager for the hotel, so she no longer has to go into the office unless something urgent comes up, Gal has accepted her job offer at DeVry as a professor. She will be teaching an online Anthropology class. Luckily for Gal, she already has her lectures recorded from when she worked at Harvard, so all she has to do is grade everyone's work by the end of the semester.


Gal shakes her head as she comes out of her thoughts. "I'm coming!" she calls as she grabs her purse and walks downstairs.

"Daydreaming?" Atlas asks as she watches Gal.

"How'd you know?" Gal smiles as Atlas grabs her waist.

"Because you're always in your head about something." Atlas smiles. "I would like to take you on your baby moon so you can get out of your head for a few days."

Gal smiles as she grabs Atlas' hand and they walk out to the car. "A few days?" She raises an eyebrow. "We're staying there for 2 weeks."

Atlas smiles. "And you'll be in your head for 10 of those 14 days." She pecks Gal on the lips. "I know you."


"Hey sleepy head." Atlas smiles as Gal pulls her closer.

"Hey," Gal mumbles as she rubs her face. "How long was I asleep?" She asks.

"Eight hours." Atlas smirks. "We have 18 hours left."

Gal smiles as she rubs her face into Atlas' chest. "I'm hungry."

"I grabbed you some snacks from the snack cart," Atlas smiles as she reaches into her backpack. "M&M's, cheetos puffs, because you've been craving them, and water, because you're always dehydrated."

"Thank you baby." Gal pecks Atlas on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you more," Atlas smiles. "Now eat before you turn into that hangry monster I've had to deal with for the past week."

Gal smirks as she eats her cheetos. "You love when I'm a hangry monster."


Atlas quietly carries Gal into their Villa and lays her in bed. She smiles as she walks out of the bedroom and makes sure everything is locked up. She sighs as she walks out onto the dock and sits. She smiles to herself as she thinks about how much her life has changed and is going to change in the next few weeks.

Baby Jordan will be here in less than 2 months, Gal and Atlas will be celebrating their 2 year dating anniversary, and Atlas just signed the papers on some land for She and Gal to build their dream home on.

Everything Atlas has ever wanted is in her grasps.

Atlas shakes her head as she stands and walks back into the Villa. She walks into the bedroom and carefully climbs into bed next to Gal. "Shhh," She says as she wraps an arm around Gal.

"Calm your daughter down so I can sleep." Gal mumbles as she lays her head on Atlas' chest.

Atlas smiles as she rubs Gal's baby bump. "Can't have your mommy tired."

Gal smiles as she kisses Atlas' cheek. "You make me so happy."

Atlas smiles as she looks at Gal. "I could say the same about you."

Gal sighs as Atlas kisses her. "What do you have planned for us while we're here?" She asks.

"Nothing." Atlas smiles as Gal wraps a leg around her. "We're here to relax and enjoy each other."

Gal hums as Atlas kisses her neck. "I like the sound of that." She runs her hands up and down Atlas' back.

"Wanna see stars or fireworks?" Atlas asks as she kisses down Gal's chest.

"Both." Gal gasps as Atlas nips at her thighs.

Atlas smirks. "Will do."


"Let me." Atlas smiles as she takes the sunscreen from Gal and starts rubbing it on her back. "You're so beautiful."

Gal chuckles as she looks back at Atlas. "Thank you for this." She smiles. "I didn't realize how much I needed a vacation."

Atlas smiles as she sits in front of Gal. "You're very welcome." She pecks Gal on the lips. "How are you feeling?" She asks.

"She's very active today," Gal smiles. "But I really don't want to talk about her right now." She lays back on her lounger.

"And why is that?" Atlas smiles.

"We're going to be talking about her for the next 18 years." Gal kisses Atlas' hand as she holds it in hers. "Let's talk about us, because we won't get to do that much once she's here."

Atlas smiles as she lays back on her lounger. "The way you use your words..." She looks at Gal. "God I love you."

Gal chuckles as she closes her eyes. "I love you more, my goofy wife."


Merry Christmas everyone!!! Here's a update for ya!!! I hope you all have an amazing new year!!!

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