See you on the 18th!

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"See you all after Spring Break!" Gal smiles as she walks towards her office.

"Ms. Gadot?"

"Yes." Gal smiles as she turns around. "How can I help you Izzy?"

"I just wanted to clarify..." Izzy grabs her notebook. "We need to have our essay turned in on Monday?" She asks.

"Yes." Gal smiles as she sits on her desk. "I'm also going to put the powerpoint on the news page for you all."

"Thank you." Izzy smiles as Atlas walks into the Gal's office. "I'll see you on Monday!"

"Bye Izzy!" Gal smiles.

"Sup Izzy." Atlas smiles.

"See you at practice, Coach Ramirez." Izzy smiles.

Atlas sighs as she looks at Gal. "Ready to go?" She smiles.

"Yes." Gal smiles as she grabs her purse and computer bag. "I've been so anxious." She sighs as Atlas kisses her and takes her bags from her.

"There's no reason to be anxious." Atlas smiles. "It's just a physical." She chuckles.

"Yeah, but what if some results come back bad?" Gal sighs as Atlas grabs her hand and leads her out of her lecture hall.

"Everything is going to be okay." Atlas smiles as she puts Gal's bags in the back of her car. "It's just a physical."

Gal sighs as she wraps her arms around Atlas' waist. "I know."

"We'll go in and be right back out before we know it." Atlas smiles as she wraps her arms around Gal's waist. "And I'll be with you the whole time."

"Okay." Gal sighs as she pulls away from Atlas. "I love you."

"I love you more." Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's forehead. "Let's go."


"Baby!" Gal calls as she lays in bed.

"Yes my love?" Atlas smiles as she walks out of the bathroom.

"What do you think about this donor?" Gal asks as Atlas climbs into bed with her.

Atlas puts an arm around Gal as she looks at the computer screen. "6'3, Cuban/American, dark brown hair, brown eyes..." She looks at the guy's picture. "Babe that guy could be my twin." She chuckles.

"I thought so too." Gal smiles. "I think he's the one." She bites her lip as she writes the man's name in her notebook.

"You think you've found our boy?" Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's forehead.

Gal smiles as she sinks into Atlas' side. "I also decided on where I want to get married."

"And where is that?" Atlas yawns.

"Maldives." Gal smiles as she puts her laptop on her bedside table. "I just want our families there." She snuggles into Atlas' side. "Small ceremony."

Atlas hums as she closes her eyes and holds Gal in her arms. "I like that idea." She mumbles. "Just our families and close friends."

Gal pecks Atlas on the lips. "I can't wait to marry you."

Atlas smiles as Gal makes kissy noises as she kisses her on the lips. "I love you." She laughs.

"I love you more." Gal yawns as she lays her head on Atlas' chest. "So much more."


"Have you enjoyed your spring break?" Doctor Hans asks as she examines Gal.

"I have." Gal smiles. "Me and Atlas have been enjoying each other's company."

"Good." Doctor Hans says as she types on her computer. "Because with the way things are looking, you will be getting inseminated the first week of May." She smiles as she looks at Gal.

"Really?" Gal smiles.

"Yes." Dr. Hans nods. "What day is the last day of school?" She asks.

"I will be finished with everything on the 15th." Gal says as she looks at her phone.

"Okay..." Dr. Hans nods as she looks at her calendar. "How about we schedule you for the 18th, that's a Monday." She smiles.

"Good with me." Gal smiles as she stands.

"Okay." Dr. Hans smiles excitingly. "We're gonna make a baby on the 18th."

Gal chuckles as she hugs Dr. Hans. "I'll see you on the 18th!"


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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