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June 1st, 2019 - Saturday - 11:00 am - Atlas' Apartment - Cambridge, MA

Atlas sits up and smiles as she looks at Gal. "Happy three months."

Gal smiles as she looks over at Atlas. "Happy three months baby." She laughs as Atlas wraps her arms around her waist and kisses her.

"I love you Gal," Atlas smiles.

Gal smiles as she grabs Atlas' face. "I love you too." She laughs as Atlas kisses her. "I love you so much."

Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's neck. "The moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were the love of my life." She smiles.

Gal smiles as she looks at Atlas. "Who would've thought I would fall in love with someone who's 11 years younger than me."

Atlas smiles. "I rock your world don't I?" She laughs as Gal laughs.

"You do," Gal smiles. "You make me so happy."

Atlas smiles. "We're going to be together for a while."

Gal smiles. "I hope so." She holds Atlas' face in her hands. "You stress me out so much. but it's worth it." She smiles.

Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's forehead. "I give good headaches don't I?" She chuckles.

Gal laughs. "You have no fucking idea." She smiles. "You're lucky you're hot."

September 16th, 2019 - Monday - 6:00 am - Atlas' Apartment - Cambridge, MA

Gal groans as her alarm blares in her ear.

"This is bullshit," Atlas mumbles as she rolls away from Gal.

Gal groans as she shuts her alarm off. She stands and walks into the bathroom. She showers and walks into the closet to get ready. She picks a hunter green mid thigh length dress and black stilettos. She smiles as she walks out of the closet and looks at Atlas fast asleep. "Baby," She kneels next to Atlas. "I've gotta go."

Atlas groans as she opens her eyes and looks at Gal. "Have a great first day baby." She smiles as Gal kisses her.

"I'll try." Gal smiles as she stands.

"I love you," Atlas smiles.

"I love you too," Gal smiles. "See you at lunch."

12:30 pm====================================================Tozzer Hall

Atlas smiles as she walks into the Tozzer Building. She waves at students as they walk past her as she walks into Gal's lecture hall. "The prettiest professor I've ever seen."

Gal smiles as she looks up from her computer. "There's my baby." She smiles as she stands and hugs Atlas.

"How's your day been?" Atlas asks as she kisses Gal.

"So far it's been really good." Gal smiles as Atlas sits next to her at her desk.

"I brought your favorite," Atlas smiles as she sets two takeout boxes on Gal's desk.

Gal smiles. "Sushi?" She asks.

"Only the best for my lady." Atlas smiles as she winks at Gal.

Gal smiles as she opens her takeout box and starts eating. "Delicious." She smiles.

Atlas smiles as she eats. "What time do you get out of here?" She asks.

"2:30," Gal sighs. "When I get home later we're cuddling."

Atlas smiles. "Noted."

"Can you stop by my old house and pick up those last couple of boxes?" Gal asks.

"I was already planning on it." Atlas smiles.

"Always thinking ahead," Gal smiles. "I love you."

Atlas smiles. "You would die at the amount of music I've had to transpose today." She laughs. "Honestly I'm surprised I'm getting paid as much as I am for just changing the keys of songs for people." She shakes her head.

Gal smiles. "Are you enjoying it?" She asks.

"It's different," Atlas shrugs. "But I think I like it." She smiles.

Gal smiles. "The cool thing about you is you can do whatever you want to do in life." She grabs Atlas' hand.

Atlas smiles as she squeezes Gal's hand. "I love you Gal."

"I love you more," Gal smiles as Atlas stands to throw away their trash. She sighs as she sees students starting to walk in.

"Almost time," Atlas sighs as she sits next to Gal.

"Yep," Gal covers a yawn. "Can we have sex later?" She whispers.

Atlas laughs out loud as students walk into the lecture hall. "You don't have to ask." She smiles as she sips her water.

Gal smiles. "Are you going to hangout while I teach?" She asks as she looks at her watch.

"Hell no." Atlas stands. "I've done my four years."

Gal smiles as she stands and walks in front of her desk. "Good afternoon everyone," She laughs as River grabs her things. "Ignore my girlfriend,"

Atlas waves at Gal's students as they giggle at her. "See you later," She kisses Gal's cheek and runs out the back door.

Gal smiles. "Happy first day of Senior year!"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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