October 1st

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March 10th, 2020 - Friday - 1:00 pm - Harvard Uni. - Cambridge, MA

"I expect you all to have your first draft of your final paper turned in by midnight tomorrow." Gal says as her senior class starts packing up their things. "And if one of you doesn't I'll call you out in front of everyone in class on Monday." She smiles as her students laugh. "I hope you all have a great weekend!" She smiles as she sits at her desk and types on her laptop. She looks up as she hears the door to her lecture hall slams.

"Sorry!" A girl with blonde hair says as she walks towards Gal's desk.

"What can I help you with?" Gal smiles as the girl stops in front of her desk.

"Are you Ms. Gadot?" The girl asks.

"I am." Gal smiles. "And you are?"

"Emilia Wallace." Emilia smiles. "I was told you know Atlas Ramirez." She smiles.

Gal chuckles. "I know her very well." She smiles. "She's my fiance."

"Oh, congratulations." Emilia smiles. "Um... I'm on the soccer team and we were all wondering if Atlas could come and critique us."

"I'm sure Atlas would love to come and watch you all." Gal smiles. "I'll tell her you stopped by."

"Thank you." Emilia smiles. "Have a good rest of your day Ms. Gadot." She waves.

"You too, Emilia." Gal smiles as she looks back down at her laptop.

"Who was that?" Atlas asks as she walks through the back door of Gal's lecture hall.

Gal smiles as she turns and looks at Atlas. "I didn't know you'd be coming." She stands and giggles as Atlas lifts her onto her desk.

"I thought I'd surprise you." Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal.

Gal smiles as she wraps her arms around Atlas' neck. "That was Emilia Wallace. She was asking if you'd come and critique the soccer team."

"Oh." Atlas chuckles. "Emilia Wallace isn't on the soccer team."

"What?" Gal frowns.

"She didn't make it onto the team." Atlas says as she holds Gal's waist. "She's a wanna be soccer player who has a crush on me. She's very obsessive." She smiles.

"Oh." Gal sighs. "Well she could've fooled me." She shrugs.

"Don't worry about her." Atlas smiles. "She's just a junior who has a little crush on your fiance." She chuckles. "It'll pass."

Gal nods as Atlas hugs her. "You're right. She just has a crush on you." She smiles.

"I'll go see coach Peters and mention that she came by." Atlas smiles. "I don't want her starting something that doesn't need to be started." She looks down at Gal. "I'll go see her once your next class starts."

"You're gonna stay here with me?" Gal asks.

"Of course I am." Atlas smiles. "I can tell what I've told you has freaked you out babe." She rubs Gal's back. "I'm not going to leave you when I know you're scared."

Gal smiles as she kisses Atlas. "I love you."

"I love you too." Atlas smiles. "I'll be wherever you want me to be."

"Right next to me?" Gal asks with a smile.

"You're really freaked out aren't you?" Atlas looks at Gal with a worried expression.

Gal nods as she hugs Atlas. "She was so convincing babe."

"I know." Atlas says as she rubs Gal's back. "How about we go to coach Peters after your class?" She asks.

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