Calm before the storm

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"Mmhm, right there." Atlas hums as Gal scratches her head.

Gal chuckles to herself as she reads her book. "You're more like a dog than my wife." She smiles as Atlas lays against her breasts.

"I'll take it." Atlas sighs out as lays against Gal. "I love my head scratches." She smiles.

Gal closes her book and runs both of her hands through Atlas' hair. "I'm so happy we came on this trip, baby." She sighs as Atlas kisses her baby bump.

"I'm happy we've finally taken some time for ourselves." Atlas rests her head against Gal's breasts. "It's taken us almost 8 months to go on a vacation." She smiles as she looks at Gal. "That's insane."

Gal smiles as leans forward and kisses Atlas. "We live a very busy life." She smiles as Atlas kisses all over her stomach.

Atlas smiles as she glances up at Gal. "You keep pushing my head lower and lower Mrs. Ramirez, is there something you want?"

Gal smiles as Atlas nips at her stomach. "Don't bite your daughter." She chuckles as Atlas pushes her back.

"Don't bite your daughter..." Atlas imitates Gal as she slides down and lays on her stomach between her thighs. "Is this what you want Mrs. Ramirez?" She asks as she kisses Gal's thighs.

Gal hums as she continues to scratch Atlas' head.

Atlas smirks as she kisses the inside of Gal's thighs. "You're gonna miss this after you have Jordan." She mumbles as she tugs on Gal's bikini bottoms.

"Don't remind me." Gal groans. "Six to eight weeks without this." She moans as Atlas licks up her pussy. "I don't know if I can do that."

Atlas chuckles as she wraps her arms around Gal's thighs as she sucks on her clit. She grazes her nails against Gal's thighs as she holds onto her hips and eats her out.

"Oh fuck." Gal moans as she shoves her hands into Atlas' hair. "You make me feel so good, baby."

Atlas sticks two fingers into Gal as eats her out. "You can't cum yet." She fingers Gal. "I wanna fuck you first."

"Strap?" Gal smiles excitedly as Atlas walks away from her.

"Duh." Atlas smiles as she stands in the doorway of their room. "Always gotta bring the strap, baby." She says as she puts her strap on.

"How do you want me?" Gal smiles as Atlas walks back out onto the deck.

"Hands and knees." Atlas instructs. "I want to pound you."

Gal does as Atlas says. She moans loudly as Atlas slides into her. "Thank god you got our Villa far away from others."

Atlas groans as she fucks Gal. "Thank god I did."

<*> *1 week later*

"I wish we could've stayed in the Maldives." Gal mumbles as she walks into her and Atlas' house.

Atlas smirks as she walks into the Kitchen. "After Jordan is here we'll go back and stay for a month instead of two weeks." She smiles as Gal wraps her arms around her neck. "Like that idea?" She asks.

Gal nods as she rests her forehead against Atlas'. "I'm tired of being pregnant."

Atlas smiles as she pulls Gal against her. "You're just tired from our flight." She kisses Gal's forehead. "Go lay down and relax while I get everything situated down here:"

Gal nods. "I love you." She smiles as she hugs Atlas. "You keep me sane."

Atlas chuckles. "Go to bed." She kisses her. "You need rest."

"I'm going." Gal backs away from Atlas. "Don't forget Zeus." She calls as she heads up stairs.

Atlas grabs she and Gal's suitcases and carry's them up stairs. She sets them on the landing and walks back down as the doorbell rings. She smiles as she walks to the door and opens it. "Zeus!!!" She laughs as Zeus jumps up on her.

"No, hi mom! I missed you?" Lana laughs.

"Hi mami," Atlas smiles as she hugs and kisses her mom's cheek. "How was he?" She asks.

"A gentleman." Lana smiles. "How's your wife?" She asks.

"She's upstairs if you wanna go see her." Atlas smiles.

"I will," Lana smiles. "But how is she?" She asks.

"She's doing good, mami." Atlas sighs as she rests on the kitchen island. "She's just tired and ready for the baby to be here." She smiles.

"Okay," Lana smiles. "And how are you?" She asks.

"I wish we could've stayed longer." Atlas sighs. "And I wish our new house was finished." She groans.

"I know what you mean." Lana pulls Atlas into her. "Your house will be finished soon." She rubs Atlas back as she hugs her.

Atlas sighs. "Go see your daughter in law." She pulls away from her mom. "She's been missing her mom."

Lana nods as she quietly walks away from Atlas and up the stairs.

Atlas sighs as she leans down and hugs Zeus. "You should go up and see your mommy." She mumbles.

Zeus wags his tail and runs up stairs.

"My smart boy." Atlas smiles as she walks up stairs and grabs her and Gal's suitcases and carries them into their bedroom. "How cute." She smiles as she sees Gal, Lana, and Zeus laying in bed.

"Come to join us?" Gal smiles.

"I guess I could wait to unpack our bags." Atlas smiles as she walks over to the bed and crawls in next to Gal.

"I'm going to go cook you both dinner." Lana stands. "You both rest," She smiles. "And when you get up, dinner will be ready."

"Thank you mami." Atlas smiles as she pulls Gal into her.

"Yes, thank you mom!" Gal smiles.

"Anything for my girlies." Lana smiles. "Come on Zeus, let's leave your momma's alone."

Gal turns around and faces Atlas. "Hold me." She mumbles as she rests her forehead against Atlas'.

"I'm holding you." Atlas smiles as she rubs Gal's back. "Tomorrow do you want to go look at the progress on the new house?" She asks.

"Ahuh." Gal mumbles.

Atlas chuckles. "Sleep sleepy head." She kisses Gal's forehead. "I'll be here when you wake up."


Sorry for the long wait lol Life has been crazy and I haven't had time to write... I'll update when I can!

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