New beginnings

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"Your first time at momma's work," Gal smiles as she carries Jordan into the hotel. She smiles as she walks into the elevator. "We're here so everyone can meet you." She kisses Jordan's cheek. She looks up as the elevator doors open. "Well look who it is."

Atlas smiles as she steps into the elevator. "On your way to my office?" She asks as she pecks Gal on the lips.

"Yes," Gal winces as Atlas takes Jordan from her. "I need to feed her. My boobs are killing me."

Atlas smirks as the elevator doors open. "Let me know if you need assistance." She winks.

Gal rolls her eyes as she follows Atlas. "If I accepted your offer we'd probably miss the meeting with everyone here at the hotel."

"You're right." Atlas chuckles as they walk into her office. "I'm gonna give you back to mommy now so she can feed you." She kisses Jordan's cheeks as she hands her to Gal.

"Who are we seeing today?" Gal asks as she sits and starts feeding Jordan.

"You've not met my new general manager." Atlas smiles. "So you're gonna meet Becca, you're also gonna meet some new front desk attendants that I've just hired." She sits next to Gal. "I want all of them to know who you are so we don't have issues when you stop by by yourself."

"That's very thoughtful of you babe," Gal smiles. "They all know you have a wife right? And not a husband?" She smirks.

"If they don't know they're blind." Atlas smirks. "It's kind of obvious." She stands and walks over to her desk. She grabs her suit jacket and pulls it on. "Are you ready?" She asks as she fixes her vest.

Gal lifts Jordan and pats her back. "If you can burp her for me so I can make sure I look presentable."

Atlas smiles as she walks over to Gal and takes Jordan. "Babe, you always look presentable."

Gal rolls her eyes as she stands and pulls her mini skirt down. "Do I look like a CEO's wife?" She asks as she buttons her top.

"I'm honestly worried some of the newbies are gonna want to fuck you." Atlas sighs as Gal steps up to her and kisses her.

"I'm yours baby. Only yours." Gal kisses Atlas. "No one will ever be able to take me away from you." She smiles. "I love you."

"I love you more." Atlas smiles as she pecks Gal. " Let's get this shit over with."


"Where do you want me?" Gal asks Atlas as they walk into the conference room.

Atlas smirks. "If I could have you right here on this table that would be great."

Gal smacks Atlas' arm. " You know that's not what I meant." She smirks.

"I want you to sit right here," Atlas motions to a high back chair at the head of the table. "You can sit next to me." She smiles.

Gal sits in the chair and spins it so she faces Atlas. "Want me to hold Jordan?" She asks.

"No," Atlas shakes her head. "She has to learn the family trade."

Gal shakes her head as she turns back around in her chair. "Is your mom coming to this meeting?" She asks.

"Nope, I told her the hotel shouldn't concern her anymore." Atlas sighs. "The only thing she has now is to be a grandmother to our child." She smiles. "Which is all I want for her."

Gal smiles as she puts a hand on Atlas' thigh. "You're the best daughter a mother could ask for." She leans forward and kisses Atlas. " I love you."

"I love you more," Atlas says as the door to the conference room opens and a group of people walk in. "Show time." She pecks Gal quickly as she stands. "Would you all please take a seat at the table for me."

Gal watches as everyone takes a seat. She looks up at Atlas as she bounces Jordan in her arms.

"Thank you all for coming, I wanted to have this meeting because a lot of you are new and you don't really know me or my family. I also wanted to give you all some backstory on the hotel and how my father came to be the badass he was." She smiles.

"Firstly, I want to introduce myself and my family. I'm Atlas Ramirez and I'm the CEO of 4 Season Miami. My father, Sabían Ramírez, was the original CEO. Sadly, my father just recently passed away, but with everything in me, I will make sure to keep his memory alive here." She smiles.

"Now, sitting next to me, is my beautiful wife, Gal. You will frequently see her here and you'll also see the little one I have here in my arms with her as well. This is our daughter Jordan." Atlas smiles. "If you see my wife or my daughter, please feel free to speak to them, but also remember, nothing is off limits to them. She is an extension of me, so if I hear of any of you causing any trouble, I will find out."

Atlas sighs as she turns. "If any of you don't know, this is Becca." She smiles. "She is our new GM. I have personally trained Becca, and I trust her with everything in me." She looks around the table. "I will only be coming to the hotel once or twice a month or when I'm needed. I will be working from home, because I want to be around my daughter and wife as much as possible, so if any of you have issues please reach out to Becca and if Becca can't sort out the problem, she will contact me."

"I wanted you all to see each other face to face so we could all be on the same page." Atlas smiles. "On that note, I don't have anything else to say." She looks at Becca. "Anything you would like to say?"

Becca stands. "I would just like to say I'm excited to work with all of you and I want to thank Atlas for trusting me with her fathers pride and joy." She smiles. "I know how much this resort meant to her father and I want to make him happy. So thank you for trusting me." She smiles at Atlas.

Atlas smiles as she looks back at the table. "On that note, this meeting is over, I know you all have things to do, thank you for sitting down for a few seconds and letting me introduce myself and my family."

Gal smiles as Becca stands and approaches her. "Hello," She stands.

"It's so nice to finally meet you!" Becca smiles. "Atlas has told me so much about you!"

Gal smiles. "Atlas has told me about you too, I'm excited to know that you're motivated and have ideas for the resort."

"Totally!" Becca smiles. "I'm excited to put my spin on things, but at the same time keep Mr. Ramírez's spirit alive."

"That's so comforting to know," Gal smiles. "I know Papi would be so happy that you're here."

"I hate to break up this conversation ladies, but our little sassy pants is hungry and would like to go home." Atlas says as she bounces Jordan.

"It was nice to meet you Becca, I'll see you around." Gal smiles.

Becca smiles. "I'll see you both later!"


Tried to make this a sorta long update for you all. Summer has been super busy and I try to write as much as I can, so please be patient with me. I hope you all enjoy this update!! Xxx

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