Mrs. Ramirez?

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January 1st, 2020 - Sunday - 10:00 am - Apartment - Cambridge, MA

Gal groans as she feels a pair of arms wrap around her waist. "Good Morning," She mumbles as she feels a pair of lips kissing her neck.

"Happy New Year baby," Atlas mumbles as she kisses Gal's neck.

Gal smiles as she turns around and faces Atlas. "Happy New Year." She giggles as Atlas kisses her.

"I got you something." Atlas smiles.

"I got you something too," Gal smiles.

Atlas smiles as she pulls away from Gal and climbs out of bed. "Be right back," She runs out of the bedroom.

Gal shakes her head as she stretches.

"Okay," Atlas slides back into the bedroom and jumps on the bed. "I had to ask so many people if this was perfect or not." She smiles as she places a small black box in Gal's hand.

Gal looks at Atlas with a smile. "I'm sure whatever this is it's perfect." She leans forward and kisses Atlas.

"Before you open it," Atlas smiles. "I just wanted to say I love you so so so much and I don't know how I ever made it without you." She smiles. "You're the woman of my dreams and I can't imagine a day without you."

Gal smiles as looks down at the box and opens it. She gasps as she sees a beautiful diamond shaped engagement ring.

Atlas smiles. "Will you marry me?"

Gal smiles as she looks up at Atlas with tears streaming down her face. "Yes." She wraps her arms around Atlas' neck. 

Atlas smiles as she takes the ring out of the box and places it on Gal's ring finger. "I knew it'd look good on you." She kisses Gal's hand. 

Gal sniffs as she looks at the ring on her finger. "It's beautiful baby." She wraps her arms around Atlas' neck again. "I love you."

Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's neck. "I love you more Mrs. Ramirez."


Sorry for the short chapter... I hope you liked it! :)

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