I'm happy you're happy

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*6 weeks later*

"I hope you all have a wonderful summer!" Gal smiles as she waves at her students. "Be safe!" She grabs her purse and walks into her office. She sighs as she sits at her desk.

It's been an amazing, difficult, and unique couple of weeks. Right after Gal got inseminated, Gal and Atlas found out Atlas' father has stage 4 lung cancer. Since they found out Atlas has been back and forth to Miami helping her parents settle some things. Last week Gal found out that she was pregnant, but she hasn't told Atlas yet. Atlas has been swamped with planning the wedding, her fathers funeral, working, and helping her brothers figure out how they're going to run the family business without their father. Gal knows she should tell Atlas, but she barely gets to see her anymore.

Gal jumps as she hears the doors to her lecture hall close. She peeks out of her office and smiles as she sees Atlas. "Baby!"

Atlas smiles as she runs into Gal's office. She kneels in front of Gal and kisses her. "Hi love."

"What are you doing here?" Gal asks as she rubs her nose against Atlas'.

"I quit the coaching job." Atlas sighs.

"I'm sorry baby." Gal kisses Atlas' forehead. "I know how much you loved that job."

"It's okay." Atlas sighs. "I have a new job now." She smiles.

"And what's that?" Gal smiles.

"My father wants me to run the Four Seasons." Atlas smiles. "Me and Papi talked and I could run it from here."

"That's amazing baby!" Gal smiles. "But wouldn't it be easier if you lived in Miami?" She asks.

"It would, but you work here." Atlas smiles. "I'm willing to have a difficult time just so I can be around you."

Gal smiles as she hugs Atlas. "My contract with the school is out, baby."

"What are you saying?" Atlas asks as she pulls away from Gal.

"I'm saying we can move to Miami." Gal smiles. "I have things I can do from home." She smiles as Atlas listens to her. "I can get a teaching Job through another school and teach from home."

Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal. "I love you so much." She rubs Gal's sides as she kisses her. "I can't wait to find out if you're pregnant."

"Actually..." Gal smiles as Atlas pulls away and looks at her. "Last week I took a test..." She giggles as Atlas smiles widely at her. "I'm pregnant."

"I knew it!" Atlas stands. "I knew it!" She smiles as she kneels back down in front of Gal. "Why didn't you tell me, baby?" She asks.

"You were in Miami and when you came home you needed my full attention, so I wanted to wait until a better time." Gal smiles as Atlas kisses her. "Are you happy, baby?" She asks.

"I am happy." Atlas smiles. "I'm so happy!" She hugs Gal.

Gal smiles as she holds onto Atlas. "I'm happy you're happy."


"Yes mom." Gal says as she packs her suitcases. "We'll be in Miami late tonight." She sighs as she looks at all of the suitcases around her. "I can't wait to not live somewhere cold."

"You okay, babe?" Atlas peaks her head into their bedroom.

"I'm just tired." Gal smiles as Atlas walks over to her. "I'm gonna go mom. I love you." She hangs up her phone and hugs Atlas. "I feel so sick."

Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's forehead. "I know you do." She rubs Gal's back.

Gal groans as Atlas pulls away from her. "I just want you to hold me." She pouts.

"And I will." Atlas smiles. "Is everything in here packed up?" She asks.

Gal nods as she wraps her arms around Atlas' neck.

"Okay..." Atlas rubs Gal's back as she looks around the room. "Want to take a nap before we leave for the airport?" She asks.

"Yes please." Gal mumbles.

Atlas smiles as Gal leads her into the Living Room. "You're lucky I told the people who bought the furniture to come tomorrow." She says as she sits with her legs up on the couch.

Gal nods as she crawls into Atlas' arms. "I love you baby." She sighs as lays on Atlas' chest.

"I love you more." Atlas sighs as she holds Gal. "And the baby in your belly."

Gal chuckles as Atlas pulls a blanket over her. "I need to make an appointment when we get settled in." She yawns as she closes her eyes.

"We'll worry about it when we get there." Atlas says as she rubs Gal's back. "Just rest right now."

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