Deal or no deal?

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"See you all next week." Gal smiles as stands from her desk.

Atlas takes her time packing her things as all the other students leave the lecture hall. She stands and walks over to Gal. "Need some help?" She asks.

Gal looks up and smiles as she looks at Atlas. "Yes please."

Atlas grabs the eraser and starts cleaning off the blackboard for Gal.

Gal smiles as she sits on her desk and watches Atlas. "What are you doing this weekend?" She asks.

Atlas smiles as she finishes cleaning the blackboard. "Probably my anthropology homework my professor wants me to have finished by midnight on Saturday." She smiles. "What are you doing?" She asks as she leans towards Gal with her hands rested on her desk.

"Grading papers." Gal sighs. "I might drink some wine and watch some movies."

"Hmm," Atlas nods. "Could you use some help with grading papers?" She asks.

Gal smiles as she looks at Atlas. "I teach three classes a day and there's over 150 of you in each class." She sighs. "I would love some help."

Atlas smiles as she leans closer to Gal's face. "What's your number?" She asks.

Gal smiles as she grabs a sticky note and writes her number down. "I don't know if I should give you this." She holds the sticky note in her hand.

Atlas licks her lips as she looks Gal over. "You think I'm going to text you all the time?" She asks.

Gal laughs as she grabs Atlas's hand and puts the note in it. "I would love to have my phone flooded with texts and calls from you." She smiles.

Atlas smiles as she slides the sticky note into her back pocket. "Your hands are soft." She smiles as she grabs Gal's hand.

Gal smiles. "Why don't you come over to my house tomorrow night and I'll cook you dinner."

Atlas raises an eyebrow as she down at Gal. "If I agree can I-"

"You can have whatever you want." Gal smiles.

Atlas hums as she brushes a finger over Gal's lips. "Deal."


Let know what you all think! :)

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