I do!

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"Thank you so much Alberto." Atlas smiles as she hangs up the phone. "Natalia," She calls as she starts gathering her belongings.

"Yes Ms. Ramirez?" Natalia, Atlas' assistant, smiles as she steps into Atlas' office.

"I am leaving." Atlas says as she grabs her laptop bag. "I'm getting married Sunday and I would like to spend time with my lovely wife without thinking about work." She smiles. "Please tell anyone who calls that I won't be in for  the weekend and most of next week."

"Will do." Natalia smiles.

"Thank you, Nat." Atlas smiles. "I'll see you Wednesday."

Atlas walks out of her office and into the parking garage. She sighs as she climbs into her car and starts her drive home. Atlas has been struggling to help Gal prepare for baby Jordan because of work, so because she's struggling she decided to hire a general manager. Now, Atlas doesn't have to go into the office as often and she can work from home.

The new General Manager is still in training, but by the time she takes Gal on their baby moon Atlas will only have to go into the office once a month. Atlas smiles as she thinks about not having to go into work and spend all of her time with Gal and the baby.

Atlas sighs as she thinks about how easy things were for her and Gal before she took over the family business. She misses how much time she would spend with Gal and how they'd spend their weekends doing nothing but enjoy being in each other's company.

Atlas pulls into her driveway and immediately gets out of her car. She walks into the house and throws all of her stuff onto the counter. She kicks her sneakers off as she walks up stairs and into her and Gal's room. A huge smile  breaks across her face as she sees Gal fast asleep in their bed. She quietly takes her clothes off and climbs into bed next to Gal.

"Baby?" Gal mumbles as she turns around in Atlas' arms.

"Go back to sleep." Atlas mumbles as she rubs circles on Gal's back.

Gal makes a contented sound as she snuggles into Atlas. "I miss this."

Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's forehead. "Me too."

"I want this all the time." Gal mumbles.

"Soon my love." Atlas yawns. "Soon."


"Her nursery is adorable, babe." Gal smiles as she folds some of baby Jordan's clothes.

"I can't wait till she's here." Atlas sighs as she sits on the floor next to Gal.

"I know." Gal rubs her round baby bump. "I can feel her laying against my bladder." She groans.

Atlas smiles as she leans over and kisses Gal's frown. "Having to pee all the time is a good thing."

"I know," Gal sighs. "I'm just tired of having to pee every 20 minutes."

Atlas chuckles as Gal kisses her. "You love being pregnant." She smiles.

"I do." Gal smiles as she rests against Atlas. "I'm loving it more than I think I would." She sighs as she rests against Atlas. "Can we go on our baby moon soon?" She asks.

"Soon." Atlas kisses Gal's forehead. "Right now," she says as she stands. "You need to decide if you're taking that job at DeVry."

Gal groans as she stands. "I don't know." She follows Atlas out of the nursery. "I don't want to be away from the baby once she's born."

"Mr. Kent gave you every option available to you, baby." Atlas looks at Gal as they stand in front of their bed. "You can teach online, in person, have your student aids teach, whatever you want." She smiles. "You have a huge office here." She wraps her arms around Gal's waist. "I know if you don't take this job and you become a stay at home mom you're going to be bored."

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