He's gone

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"Yes I know." Atlas sighs as she sits in her office. "Papi, I know you want to be here right now, but you can't. I'm doing everything I can to make things easier for you and for this family." She sniffs. "Please take it easy on me while I'm adjusting." She wipes her tears as her father hangs up with her.

"Baby what's wrong?" Gal rushes to Atlas' side.

"My dad is just stressed and he's worried I won't be able to run the hotel." Atlas sniffs as Gal holds her.

"Hey," Gal smiles. "All of this is new to you and your father is going through something he isn't used to either. You're both stressed out and need to figure out how to not let your stress get the better of you both."

"You're right." Atlas nods. She sighs as she stands. "Let's go home." She grabs her bag. "I will finish the rest of my work at home." She smiles.

Gal smiles. "So you can help me finish the nursery!" She grabs Atlas' hand and leads her out of her office. "To put together the crib and changing table."

Atlas rolls her eyes as she smiles at Gal. "Whatever you need my love."

Gal smiles as she and Atlas walk out of the hotel. "We never get to just spend time together anymore."

"I know." Atlas sighs. "I'm trying to sort all of this hotel business into one day a week so I can stay home and work the rest of the days." She puts her bag into the back of the car. "I also just miss being with you 24/7." She smiles as she wraps her arms around Gal's waist.

Gal smiles as she wraps her arms around Atlas' neck. "I miss annoying you while you work." She giggles as Atlas kisses her neck.

"I've spoiled you." Atlas smiles as she let's go of Gal. "Come on wife, let me spoil you some more."


"Look at that beautiful baby's face!" Dr. Knox smiles.

"It's crazy how big the baby has gotten." Atlas smiles as she looks at Dr. Knox.

"I know," Dr. Knox smiles. "People don't realize how fast babies can grow." She smiles as she hands Gal a towel to clean her stomach. "Everything is looking great!" She smiles. "The baby is measuring exactly where it should be."

"Good." Gal smiles as Atlas rubs her back.

"Have any questions for me?" Dr. Knox asks as she stands.

"No." Atlas shakes her head as she looks at Gal.

"Then I guess I'll see you both in 4 weeks." Dr. Knox smiles as she waves and walks out of the exam room.

"Wow." Gal sighs as she stands. "I can't believe how big the baby is." She smiles.

"I know." Atlas smiles as she grabs Gal's hand and they walk out of the exam room. "You're doing so good babe." She kisses Gal's cheek.

Gal smiles as she rests against Atlas as they walk towards the hotel. "Have you heard from your mom?" She asks.

"Yes." Atlas sighs. "My dad isn't doing any better. He's actually being admitted to the hospital because of how dehydrated he is."

"I know how hard it is for you to see him like this." Gal says as she kisses Atlas' hand. "We should go see him right now." She smiles.

Atlas sighs as she puts her hands on Gal's waist. "I can't."

"Why not?" Gal frowns as Atlas rests her head against hers.

"I have a very important meeting my father didn't want me to miss in an hour." Atlas sighs. "But you can go." She smiles. "I know he would love to see you and talk to you about his granddaughter."

Gal smiles. "Are you sure you can't skip this meeting?" She asks.

"I'm positive." Atlas sighs. She pecks Gal on the lips as she pulls open the driver's door. "Drive carefully please."

"I will." Gal sighs as she hugs Atlas. "Please come home before dark tonight." She whines.

Atlas smiles as she holds Gal's face and kisses her. "I promise to be home as soon as this meeting is over."



Atlas looks up from her papers as her assistant waves to her. She quietly stands and excuses herself from the room. "What's up?" She asks with a smile.

"It's your mother." Her assistant replies.

"Oh." Atlas quickly runs to her office and picks up her phone. "Hi mami, I was in the middle of that important meeting papi wanted me to have."

"I know." Lana sniffs.

"What's wrong mami?" Atlas asks.

"Your father passed away mija." Lana sniffs.

"No!" Atlas screams as she throws her work phone across the room. She sobs and screams as she kicks and hits everything around her. She falls to the floor and sobs into her hands as she wraps her fathers blanket he always used around her. "Papi..."


Gal quietly walks into Atlas' office. She stops in her tracks as she sees all of Atlas' things destroyed. She sniffs as she looks around for Atlas. "Baby?" She calls as she watches where she steps to make sure she doesn't step on glass.

Gal freezes when she hears sniffing coming from the balcony. She carefully walks over to the balcony and peaks out. "Atlas..." She smiles sadly as she walks over to her girlfriend and sits next to her on the couch.

"He's gone." Atlas says in a monotone voice.

Gal nods as she pulls Atlas to her and hugs her. "He told me something before he passed." She sniffs as she rubs Atlas' back.

"What did he say?" Atlas asks as she lays against Gal.

"He said to tell you he's proud of you and that he's so thankful to have had the time he did with you." Gal smiles as she looks down at Atlas. "He also said only you were capable of taking over the family business." She smiles.

Atlas smiles as she thinks about what Gal just told her. "Did you watch him die?" She asks suddenly.

Gal nods as she looks into the distance. "He didn't want me to leave." She takes a shaky breath. "He really wanted to be at our wedding." She sniffs. "That's all he kept saying."

Atlas cries as she pushes her face into Gal. "I should've gone with you." She hiccups. "That meeting could have waited."

Gal nods as she rubs Atlas' back. "I showed him the new picture of the baby right before he passed." She sighs as Atlas looks at her with sad eyes. "He said he'd watch over her." She sniffs.

Atlas wraps her arms around Gal's waist as she sobs into her belly. "He's never gonna meet her." She sobs. "We have to name the baby Jordan." She pleads as she holds onto Gal. "No matter the gender, we have to name the baby Jordan Sky." She pleads.

"We will baby, we will." Gal nods as she rubs Atlas' back. "I promised your dad to."

Atlas sniffs as she looks out at the city. "Where's my mom?" She asks.

"She's at home with your brothers." Gal says as Atlas hops up. "Slow down." She begs as she stands.. "You can't drive like this." She grabs Atlas' hand. "Let me take care of you."


Literally forgot to post this update on Tuesday... oops😅

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