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<*> 6 wks old

"Look at this growing baby!" Gal smIles as she picks Jordan up and kisses her cheeks. "Let's go tell momma how big you've gotten." She walks upstairs and towards Atlas' office. "Babe?" She calls.

"You're home!" Atlas stands from her desk and walks over to Gal. "How's our baby girl doing?" She asks as Gal hands Jordan to her.

"She's 9 pounds 11 ounces and a little over 21 inches long." Gal smiles. "She's a growing girl."

Atlas smiles as she looks down at Jordan. "Are you going to be a tall girly like momma and mommy?"

Jordan smiles as she wiggles in her momma's arms.

"She's beautiful." Gal sighs as she wraps her arms around Atlas' waist. "I have some other news for you..." She whispers.

"And what's that?" Atlas turns her head towards Gal.

"My doctor cleared me." Gal whispers. "So I was thinking after I feed Jordan and she goes down for her nap, me and you could take a shower together."

"Go feed her now!" Atlas hands Jordan to Gal. "I think a bath will be better, I'm gonna go start it!" She runs out of her office.

Gal laughs as she walks out of Atlas' office and into Jordan's nursery. "Momma and I haven't had time to ourselves in awhile bubba." She kisses Jordan's forehead. "Mommy needs her time with momma." She sighs as she starts feeding Jordan. "Slow down little piggy." She smiles as she pays Jordan's back.

"Is she done?" Atlas asks as she walks into the nursery.

"Baby, I just sat down with her." Gal smiles. "Patience." She smirks.

Atlas groans as she sits on the footstool in front of Gal. "I'm just really excited." She pouts.

"I'm excited too." Gal smiles as Atlas lays her head on her lap. "We'll have plenty of time to catch up, don't worry."

Atlas nods into Gal's lap. "Take your time Jordan," She mumbles into Gal's lap. "I'm in no hurry."

Gal laughs as she puts a finger under Atlas' chin."Now that's a good girl."

Atlas smirks as Gal grabs her neck and pulls her in for a kiss. "You're treading on territory you shouldn't be treading on Mrs. Ramírez. Especially since you have a baby in your arms."

Gal smirks. "Your praise kink has come a long way."

Atlas groans as she stands. "I'll be in our room." She stomps out.

Gal laughs as she pats Jordan's bottom. "You're mommy is about to have some fun."


20 minutes later Gal finally lays Jordan down in her crib. She grabs the baby monitor as she quietly walks out of the nursery and closes the door. She sprints to she and Atlas' room and busts open the door.

"Damn," Atlas chuckles as she puts her phone down. "Someone's excited now huh?" She smirks.

Gal smiles as she sets the baby monitor on her nightstand. "You have no idea." She pulls her shirt off as she walks around to Atlas' side of the bed. She smirks as Atlas makes herself comfortable. "I have waited 4 months for you to touch me." She slips her shorts off and climbs onto Atlas' lap. "Don't get all shy with me now." She smirks as she wraps her arms around Atlas' neck.

"I'm not shy," Atlas wraps her arms around Gal's waist. "I'm nervous I can't live up to your expectations." She smirks.

Gal smiles as Atlas starts kissing her neck. "I think you're bluffing." She bites her lip as Atlas grabs her throat.

'Maybe..." Atlas mumbles as she continues to kiss Gal's neck. She nips Gal's neck and pulls on the skin as she pulls her body flush against hers. "Lay back," She whispers.

Gal lays back and sighs as Atlas pulls her underwear down. "You're gonna make me feel good, right baby?" She runs her fingers through Atlas' hair.

"I am." Atlas mumbles as she bites Gal's breasts. "I can finally suck on them?" She lifts her head and looks at Gal with a hopeful smile.

Gal smiles as she rolls her eyes. "You've been so patient." She grabs a handful of Atlas' hair and pulls her head into her breast. She moans as Atlas sucks on her nipples.

Atlas hums as she sucks on Gal's nipples. 'Your milk is good, babe."

Gal laughs as Atlas raises up and kisses her lips. She holds onto Atlas' hair as she kisses down her chest and stomach. Her breath hitches as Atlas bites the insides of her thighs. "Baby, this teasing isn't fun anymore." She huffs.

Atlas giggles as she puts Gal's legs over her shoulders. "I'm enjoying myself, babe." She smiles as she presses a kiss to Gal's center. "Let me rile you up." She holds onto Gal's thighs as she starts licking and sucking Gal's pussy.

Gal pulls all of Atlas' hair into a ponytail so she can pull on it. "Fuck." She mumbles as she throws her head back.

'Worth waiting 4 months?" Atlas mumbles.

"Ahuh," Gal moans as she tightens her grip on Atlas' hair.

Atlas smirks to herself as she inserts a finger and starts pumping in and out of Gal. "Baby, you're so wet." She moans.

Gal whimpers as she holds Atlas' head down. "I'm close...'' She moans.

Atlas inserts another finger and picks up her pace as she watches Gal's face. "Are you gonna cum for me?" She asks as she watches Gal.

Gal nods frantically as a loud moan slips from her lips.

Atlas licks and sucks on Gal as her juices flow out of her. She pulls her fingers out of Gal and sticks them in her mouth.

Gal watches Atlas as she tries to catch her breath. "So worth the 4 months of waiting." She says breathlessly.

Atlas smirks as she climbs up Gal and kisses her. "So worth it."

Gal sighs as she runs her fingers through Atlas' hair. "What about our bath?" She asks.

Atlas shrugs as she spoons Gal from behind. "It's cold now." She yawns. "Not worth it now."

Gal yawns as she snuggles back into Atlas. "You're right." She flips around and lays her head on Atlas' chest. "I love you."

Atlas hums. "I love you more."


I hope you all enjoy this update! Xxx

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