Those Nights

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TW: light talk of abuse?

It's one of those nights
Those nights where he is mad
Or just not happy

It's one of those nights
One where I'm walking on eggshells more than normal
One where the smallest little thing could set him off
One where I don't want to be yelled at but I don't really have a say in that

It's one of those nights
One where if L's not in the same room as me but he is
I will leave
Where I have no idea how I'm supposed to act except quiet and tiny

It's one of those nights
One where he is mad and I might not be able to get out because of rain
One where I have to sit in my room
Volume on my phone down and listen for whoever is coming down the hallway
Trying not to cry from stress and panic

This isn't to say that I would be hurt if I pissed him off more than he already is
It's just to say that I don't want to be yelled at and will do everything in my power to avoid it

If that means staying in my room
Not making a sound as the panic quickly tries to fill me
Not leaving unless necessary
And not going to the same room as him
So be it

These might seem like strange rules I have put on myself
But they've helped me keep sane for the last 13 years
They keep me as safe as possible in this house
I'm not about to stop them now


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