Keep Fighting

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TW: implied suicidal thoughts

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I know you're in pain
I know you don't want to
I know it's hard
I know it's an uphill battle everyday
I know everything seems hopeless
But please,
Keep fighting

Keep fighting for that day you get to smile properly
For the day you can finally feel the pressure taken off your shoulders
The day when you are excited for tomorrow
The day you realize you want to wake up again
The day you get to see those you love again
The day you can finally, finally, feel free after years of fighting

I know it only feels like it can get worse
I know it feels like you're dying already
I know you feel dead already
I know you can't imagine a day when you'll look in the mirror and like what you see
But keep fighting so that one day you can feel like this

You deserve love
You deserve happiness
You deserve food and water and safety and everything else you need to survive
You deserve things that make you happy
But keep fighting for the day you finally believe it

Keep fighting so that one day you can look back on yourself and say,
I made it


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