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Siddharth was spying on us ... i can see him from the mirror of one of the car and i think bhavesh even saw him as he started cracking jokes and talking about random things so that it looks like we are having fun and i was showing  extra intrest and laughing even on small things while licking my icecream ...
Bhav: u have ice cream on your face ..

Avu: ooh ..
And i did a oscar deserving acting of not knowing where the ice cream actually is ... u know how it works the typical bollywood drill and i know he will catch it ... i look at sid from corner of my eye and found him blabbering some curse words for us and that made me laugh from inside ... when bhav came closer to me and wipped that cream off ... he is smart ... well done my friend... and we paused the moment... we were looking into each others eyes making it look like a perfect scene of some karan johar's movie .. while we moved our lips reducing the gap ... till our breathe mingle... and i have a quick look at sid ... who was the burning like anything now .. he irritatingly went from there ... maybe not wanting to see me kissing some one else .. and i chuckled , moving away from bhavesh...
Avu: gya ... well done bhavesh i never knew u are great actor ...
Bhav : hn?

Avu: gya siddharth
I said turning him where sid was standing..
Bhav: haan gya  ..
He said with a smile which seemed at lot fake though .. maybe he is awkward beacuse of the closeness ...
Avu: chale ..

Bhav: nhi ... umm mtlb did u tell your parents about the billboard..

Avu: yup.. and i even told them not to tell anyone here ... abb chale ..

Bhav : haan..
And we went where our friends were and we found them in a crowd , which was gathered around 2 boys one of which was singing and other playing was guitar ... they just finished their song so everyone was cheering for them and then what happened next was very embarrassing... my little brother who consider himself as Arijit singh started to sing in the crowd ... and the people around literally ran away from the place listening to his melodies voice  (Note the sarcasm guys) And we were like "yeh ladka hmarare saath nhi hai " and after this extremely embarrassing harkat of my lil brother we went back to our hotel cursing him all way long ... i hope he now had a realization that he made his whole group embarrassed in front of hundreds of people and now he will keep his dustbin mouth shut ...


**Back to hotel room**

Re: so whats the plan for tommorow

Vaish: yeah where our groom-to-be wanna go next ??

Sid: actually there is no as such plan ... like we can wake up super late and then i will cook my world famous omelettes for all my favorite people..

Abhay: siddharth my lil brother do u want us all to have food poisoning on your bachelor's ..

Bhav: yess siddharth please have some mercy on our tastebuds and liver ..

Sid: excuse me do u guys know whom u are talking with ... the world's best omelettes maker ... and u are gonna have them tommorow ...

Avu: okay cool ...
And everybody looked me like i have said something bad about sidneet ... guys chill even i stan them..
Vaish: my bladder is gonna stop producing bile .. 
She whispered to me while sympathetically looking at her torso , which made me chuckle..
Jai: okay after that

Sid: and then we are gonna go and have a spa and then (mumbles) wewillgotostripclub

Avu: what what what  ???

Sid: girl like its my bachelorette and i wanna have some fun before getting married so i was thinking why not we boys go somewhere alone at night u can go to shop or maybe have a girls night ...

Vaish: where u wanna go ?

Sid: club

Avu: which club ..

Sid: abb bb aa

Avu: abb bb aa is not a club

Sid: okay a strip club c'mon guys we are adults 

Re: and committed to ..

Abhay: we will not get laid i promise u that

Vaish: shameless creature u have a son

Abhay: toh google se download kiya tha kya

Jai: why are u overreacting yaar its just one night and we will not get laid sach me ..

Bhav: n i m toh single so no issues  ..

Sid: are u ?

Bhav : okay may be not

Re: kese ladke ho tum ... okay fine go to club ... we will have fun by ourselves
And me and vaish looked at reem with WTF look
Re: ya go on .. and now get out of the rooms
She said while dragging them out of the rooms
Vaish: what was that reem

Avu: ya how can u allow them to go ..

Re: chill guys i have an idea ..

Avu: what ??

Re: ..........

Vaish: no !!
Re: yess

Avu: no ways

Re: c'mon guys don't be a bore

Vaish: but-
Re: no buts ... lets show those boys what we have

Avu: okay i m in

Vaish: really

Avu: ya

Vaish: okay then even i m in ...

Re and avu: woohooo


It was late now and we let the boys in but boys and girls were sleeping in different rooms ... i woke up around 12 to have water... so i was picking up the bottle when my hand touch a bag and it fell on tbe ground ... creating a mess ... y m i so clumsy ?? I got to clean the mess which mostly has papers .. god kya hai yeh .. anyways i turned on my phone's torch and picked those papers .. when my eyes laid on one and they got wide open in shockk

Two cliffhangers in one chapter..


Okay byw

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