#45 Fight !!

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Siddharth and bhavesh has held each others collar and abhay bhai and jai were holding them back..

Sid: why do u even care so much about avneet ??

Bhav: because i love her unlike u ..
He said that he front of all ... he just bursted out in between the fight and I looked at everyone else and they were shocked ....
Abhay : fuck
Siddarth's grip loosen on bhavesh and so does bhavesh's ... he looked at his eyes to find the dishonesty but he could only see the truth and so does everyone...
Bhav: she has puked thrice from morning  but how will u know .. all u were doing was enjoying , relaxing and making up with your future wife ... do u even care about her? She is putting all her effort to make your bachelorette just as u wanted but u .. is that what best friends do ...

Sid(stammering): i.. i do care
Bhav : if u would have u would have never left her alone there in Sydney... did you even have a clue how much she suffered... what was her condition... nhi na ... because u were fucking busy with your love life ... she will always be a second women in your life after your wife, getting no time and love ...

Jai: enough bhavesh ...

Re: jai don't interfere... let him speak..

Jai: reem?
Vaish: she is right jai don't interfere please...
They all were fighting in front of me and I just couldn't help but see them fighting for me ... i was in tears ... i donnot want to admit but bhavesh was ryt... i would always be the second one ... i looked at siddharth for getting his reaction but he seemed numbed ... those words of bhavesh has affected him as much has to me ... it has turned to a chaos now reem, jai , vaish and bhai started to argue with each other taking bhavesh in between but me and sid we didn't have any interest in them ... he came to me and cupped my face ... my vision was blur due to tears and i know his was too...
Sid: do u really think like that ...
I didn't say anything actually i was enable to i just let out a snob and he continued..
Sid: i swear i had no clue of u being sick ... and i care for u .. really .... and trust me even after jannat u will remain the most important girl for me ... and-
And even he could say anything more .. he joint his forehead with me and we both cried for a while until he took the warmth away and wiped his tears and again held bhavesh's collar ...
Abhay: siddarth no

Sid(angrily): bhai please .... listen bhavesh balchandani she is important to me okay just get that in your bloody head and i don't have to proove u that and she don't love u back so don't even try to be with her or else ...

Bhav: or else what ...
And i couldn't see this more ... i seprated them both ..

Avu: enough of u guys , stop fighting like teenagers..  and its my bloody life... u will not decide what i like what i not ... i donnot want to see u guys fighting like this again... siddharth go in that room ..
Sid: but avneet

Avu: i said go in that room ... and u will not come here ....
And he left the place in anger and jai followed him ...
Avu: bhavesh u will not go in that room ... okayy ...
And this time i left for escape, grabbing my coat ... i ran down the street not really knowing the way i was going ... i was crying ... crying like anything... that sudden breakdown of bhavesh was really shocking and hurting and that was because deep down i knew what he was saying was the truth ... i will always be the second girl in his life... before he would even know that i sneezed but this time he didn't even have a clue of being that unwell .. after jannat the things have actually changed ... she is a lot different from his past girlfriends ... coz she is gonna be his wife and she started acting like one already ... doubting him and taunting him ... she was not like this before... i m scared what will happen if they really got married ... what about me and sid then ... will he ever realize his feelings for me or does he even feel for me ? .. i started doubting everything while seating near a river now ... my head buried in chest and my arms hugging my legs.... i wa.... i was a crying mess till now ... when i felt a hand on my back ...

Whose hand it is ???

Socho Sochoo 

Chalo bye .. 

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