Bonus Chapter:1

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Welcome back sidneetians!!

Bonus chapter:1

*The best love making of my life*

--Avneet's POV--

I stripped down my cloths, before getting into the shower ... the hot water failing to make my tense muscles calm... it was a long long day ... and those constant thoughts in my mind made it even longer... i heard the door unlock ... i know it was sid ... he seemed to notice my change in behavior... he joint me in the shower and back hugged me ...
Sid: *sniffs* u are my favorite scent ...
He whispered nibbling im my neck... he kissed my cheek before speaking further...
Sid: what happened u seemed off today ... actually not just today but from an entire week ... i know it was a long week but relax now its weekend...
And i tried being silent but a soft snob left my lips ... he quickly turned me so that i face him now ... his hands cupped my face and his looked at me in concern ..
Sid: heyy ... what happened? Did i again did something stupid ... or does something happened at work ...
And i shake my head negatively while crying a little louder ... he immediately engulfed me into a hug ...
Sid: its okay ... its okay... shh ...
He made circles on my back to relax me but nothing felt effective...
Sid: what happened... please tell me ...

Avu: i have been off from my pills...

Sid: okay .. ooh what...
As soon as he relized what i said he cupped my face again making me look into his eyes again ... now they were full of hope and excitement and joy ...
Sid: it means... u a..are ready for a baby ...
And i nodded positively...
Sid: oh my god neet... i can't explain how happy i m ... thank you ... thank you so muchh ...
He said hugging me again ... he wanted a child since a year now but i kept dodging saying i don't want it now ... i was looking for a time when we both were ready and prepared not just emotionally and mentally but also financially... i expected him to be happy knowing this... but i m afraid of what i m going to say next...
Sid: why were u crying then .. did u conceive and forget to tell me ...
He said keeping his hand dramatically on his chest acting like he is Hurt ... but i didn't laugh and he was more tensed more ...
Sid: what happened Avneet... please tell me...

Avu: i have been off the pill from 3 months but i didn't conceive ... Jannat was just off them for a week and she conceived a baby ... i m afraid that i can't be a mom ...
I said breaking down ... he looked shocked... but he kept quite for few seconds ... maybe searching for the right words ... i know that he will be upset... he wanted a child... actually not just a child but a lot of children... and this even increase my guilt ...
Sid: did u get checked?
And i nodded negatively...
Sid: then what if it is not u but me ... and what if its no one and its just in your head... and even if it is something its okay ... we want a baby we will adopt one .. its okay ... a baby is not more important than u ... stop worrying, stop crying...
And he hugged me tightly.... he kept making light circles on my back to calm me ... and i actually felt relax now ... i was happy that he is not upset about it ... i really don't have any problem in adopting a child and thankfully even he don't... the water was cold now .. he turned it off knowing that i don't like bathing in cold water... he passed me a towel while getting one for himself... he dried ourselves and he again engulfed me into a hug ...
Sid: its all gonna be okay ... i love u and this fact would never change...

Avu: i love u more ...

Sid: ya i know that...
And i chuckled... and within a shift moment i was carried by him in bridal style...
Avu: i can walk ..

Sid: why to walk when u can fly ...
And he placed me on the bed ... he never failed to proove me right ... right for waiting for years for his love... i could never get a better husband... my every tear seems less in front of the happiness he is giving me now ... he was lighting up aroma candles knowing that they makes me relaxed ... he then sat on the bed and i climbed on his lap ... we both naked not bothering to put some cloths ... and hide our shame .. i nibbled in his neck telling him how lucky i m to get him and in return he told me how grateful he is for me and how thankful he is to me for waiting for him ... and then we kissed for the infinite time ... during which i sinked into his already erected member... and we made love the whole night ... and this doesn't mean that so many orgasms ... i rode him slow ... feeling each part of him in each part of me ... when i get tired he take the charge ... we bring our orgasms to the edge and hold it for the longest we could before finally releasing it together... no roughness, no speed, no lust only and only love ... and that was the night when i conceived my first child ...
So there was the first bonus chapter ... i hope u liked it as much as i liked it ...
Also i plan to write the stages of Sidneet growing togther as a husband and wife ... which started from planning a new member and will go till the forever...
Okay chalo byee...

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