#43 GUILT 💔

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"I Love U Avneet Kaur "

I read those words written in a beautiful calligraphy...i know this writing but i didn't want it to be him ... so i tried convincing myself in my mind while checking the other papers ... i was ryt and even u guys were ... it was bhavesh ... the other papers were his designs, which he bought to me when i told him about me liking siddharth... and i tried understanding the whole situation... he was nervous that day .. and i soon as he read what i wrote ... he took his designs away... he seemed hurt and i thought i was just over thinking... oh god how can i be so dump ... he didn't even tell me his feelings coz he knew i like someone else ... instead he was helping me in every possible way and this made be feel even worse ... unknowingly tears started rolling down my cheeks... i was shocked... i felt pathetic... for this whole situation...i can truly understand how it feels when u love someone who doesn't love u back  ... and instead of handling this whole situation nicely i made it even worse .. i could imagine how difficult it would be for him when i asked him to make siddharth jealous and he being the sweetest guy and the bestest friend did that for me ... my emotions were out of my control and i knew that i have to fix this up ... i have to fix this mess anyhow ... i wiped my tears and went into boy's room and when i reached there ... the scene again left me shock - enemies of the year , the boys who don't like each other are cuddling and sleeping... like seriously now i m doubting their sexualities... but look at them they look so cute together ... siddharth and bhavesh cuddling each other... woow so cutee ... ooh wait avneet did u just match your love of life with the person who likes u ..  uggh .. and i immediately pulled  those thoughts away,  when my subconscious mind reminded me the purpose of me coming here ... i gently patted bhavesh face to wake him up .. and he hugged siddharth tighter with that .. god now i m even jealous of bhavesh... uggh avneet concentrate... i tried harder to wake him up and finally god heard my silent prayer and he is up ...
Bhav: u want something?
He asked me in a sleepy tone and may be internally cursing me for getting him up...
Avu: i want to talk with u about something

Bhav : now ?

Avu: yup its urgent...

Bhav: okay speak up

Avu: not here .. come with me

Bhav: okay ...
And he made himself free from siddharth grip with a confused face ... because of me asking him to talk at this time as well his position on the bed .. and i wanted to chuckle on that but my mind was stuck on what i did and my heart was hurting... i took him out of our room to a cozy warm silent bar section on our floor ... made only for the visitors on this floor .... it was a nice place to talk as no one was there ...
Bhav: u brought me here to drink ..
He asked while raising one eyebrow..
Avu: no i want to talk to u about something
I said will pouring some scotch for both of us ... and i passed him his glass and sat in front of him 
Avu: i found something

Bhav: what?
And i handed him the folded paper with shaky hand ... and he opened it and now he looked freaked out...
Bhav(scared): see avneet i can explain... i can't stop falling for u like how can someone even ... but trust me i have no idea that u liked siddharth before u told me by yourself that day ...
He said stammering..


Avu: relax relax bhavesh u don't have to be sorry... instead i should be ... i can totally understand how this one sided love is ... and despite knowing the fact how much it hurts i unintentionally made it worse for u ... i m sorry for that ...

Bhav: no u don't have it... i genuinely want to help u despite the fact that it hurts me the most ... but i wanna see u happy and with the one u love ... atleast someone else can get their love if not me ...
And those words make me even feel guiltier... i started to feel more emotionally weaker... i tried to fight with the tears but they were stronger... and bhavesh hugged me looking at my condition... we remained in the same position for quite a while when i let my tears flow and when i felt something wet on my shoulder... he was crying... and i again feel guiltier... i blame siddharth everytime for not knowing that i love him and here i m doing the same stupid mistake...
Avu: see u donnot have to act to be with me anymore ... it would just make your condition worse ...
Bhav: what if u get second option ... whom will u love after siddharth ?
And he looked at me with a hope i take his name ... and i thought about it for a while...

Avu: u donnot have second options on love ... and if u have then that isn't love ..

Sooooooooo how was it ???

Yes, even i ship them *BHAVNEET* u are not alone :)(:



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