#46 You deserve it .

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Welcome back sidneetians!!!

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Chapter dedicated to a new reader whose account i cannot see .. I am glad u liked the book so far . Also check out my other books.

When i felt a hand ... i literally Donnot want anyone here ... i want to be alone please ... okay here goes my free time .. and i turned back to find vaish di standing ... among all she was the one i expected the least but it nothing expected was anyway happening in my life ...
Avu: di -

Vaish(intrupts in between): i m sitting ryt here if u want to talk ... u can come ...
And she sits at a distance ... Did i tell u i am surrounded by best people in the world?? i went to her and hugged her ... and i cried my heart out ... not really bothering about her judging me coz i know she won't... she hugged me warmly and rubbed by back ... not asking me to stop but to take out what all i have in me ..
Avu: i don't want them to fight because of me ... i don't wanna choose a side they both are so important for me and i love them both... Siddharth might be there for me ever since i remember but the time i was in Sydney alone , bhavesh had my back... i can't see them both like this ..
I managed to say this between my snob.

Vaish: i know u didn't want all this to happen ... u don't want this love triangle to happen where bhavesh loves u but u love Siddharth ..

Avu: hnn? ..
I looked at her in confused expression breaking the hug ... confused as well as scared of her knowing my secret ..
Avu: what?? i... i don't..
I tried to act innocent but i tell u i m a bad actor ..
Vaish: did somebody tell u that u are bad actor ..
Caught ya!!!
Vaish: u obviously love him dumbo ... a girl would be happiest if her best friend is getting married... but u were upset about it WHY? U don't have boyfriend despite of being so damn pretty WHY? U look at siddharth like u look at Demon while watching TVD WHY? U blush when he compliment u WHY? and u and bhavesh are not dating even when u knew he loves u WHY?

Avu: no i didn't

Vaish: c'mon girl u didn't seemed shocked when bhavesh confessed his feelings rather u were scared about the secret not being secret anymore ...

Avu: no i was shocked..
And she gave me a really look ..
Avu: okay u won i lost
I said raising my hands up in the air .. finally giving up ..
Vaish: good girl ... now tell me what is happening

Avu: okay i like no actually love Siddharth and that dumbo can't see that...

Vaish: i shouldn't say this but Siddharth doesn't deserve u ... what all bhavesh said today was 200% ryt ..

Avu: no it was not he cares for me and i know that and he had no clue about me being sick he told me and i believe him ... and Jannat was really upset from him that too because of me and he was just making up with her ... and the second women thing ... that is not the truth i know he will always choose me over jannat

Vaish: are u justifying it to me or to yourself... u love that man with all your heart and soul and honesty... u have saved yourself for him and just him so u deserve the same love back with same honesty... u deserve every bit of it ...

Avu: do i?

Vaish: ya u do .. and believe me in this ... stop running behind him ... give him space more space and time to think what he wants... and once he started to miss your warmth he will realize things ... encourage him to be with jannat and don't show him that u are affected or u are unhappy with it ... he will surely miss the insecure , over possessive avneet ... and then the last and the most powerful weapon make him jealous... well that u are already doing with bhavesh so go on ..

Avu: no di i can't i understand bhavesh and the feeling he is going through i don't wanna make this more difficult for him ...

Vaish: ya u are ryt ... by the way who else know about this??

Avu: reem and bhai ..

Vaish: whattt abhay knew about it and that son of a bastard didn't tell me ... tu toh abb gya beta ...
And i chuckled i won't lie i like abhay bhai in trouble
Avu: i m with u in that ... aacha abb we need to find a guy to make siddharth jealous..

Vaish: i already have one in mind

Avu: who?

Vaish: riyaz


You deserve every bit of happiness and love because you are beautiful and you are worth it . Don't let anyone make you feel unworthy because you existence matter and this world wouldn't be as beautiful as it is without you :)

Okay byee

Love ya ;)

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