#51 Maybe he loves me

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Okay so in previous Chapter i gave a note above and i didn't want to be judgemental that time but now i think i should be ... you know what is the real problem.. we expect a girl to be virgin till her marriage.. leave virginity,  people expect her to not even have a boyfriend before or had her first kiss ... like its so stupid .. how can u expect someone to not have any romantic or sexual relationship with someone other than her husband ever ... its not a fairy tale ki the first guy u like will be your husband... the reality is different.. u will be with many people , some u like and some u don't and then there will be a guy u marry .. abb issme kya galat hai .. mtlb i can't understand.. maybe i am wrong and cringe for some of you but i am realistic and broad minded and accepting... So stop dming me or putting such comments , declaring my story cringe .. okay .. coz i am right and u are one who is wrong ...

Lets begin...

Sid: u can date any guy u want... i won't stop u.. promise... instead i will support u .. i want u to be happy.. if u are happy with him ... i don't have any problem ... i just can't see u like this crying and stuck between two of us ... u know i m jealous of him because u liked him ... i always always wanted to date a girl like u and i couldn't see someone else doing that... that's why i acted like a jerk but if u love him which i know u do otherwise y would a girl like u who so believes in love would give her first actually kiss isse hi ... last time u were drunk high actually we both were but this time u guys weren't ..
He was confusing me first he gave me permission to date him and then he is like he always wanted to date a girl like me ... what does it mean ?
Avu: u want me to date him?

Sid: i would never want anyone else other than me to be that close to u .. but it doesn't matter what i want ... all matters is what u want ... and u want him and i will not be a hurdle anymore ... okay... so please don't take so much stress... u are very very sick .. u have high fever u need rest ... we can discuss things later if u want but just relax now ... don't take so much mental pressure ... i want you to be happy and strong like u were back in Sydney.. not crying and running like this ... okay ...
Then he kissed my forehead
Sid: if u want to take bath u can i have already prepared tub for u ... and then u will have food and then u can sleep please... don't take so much stress.. i will go and get your things here ...
And i just nodded in return and he left ... and also left me in confusion... what did he meant by "i would never want anyone else other than me to be that close to u" Does he too wants me ... but then why the fuck is he marrying jannat and y the fuck he asked me too date bhavesh ... i think i judged him too early ... Iike u all ... we all know just my side of story ... my point of view... and guys never set your mind after hearing one side ... the story of the other one can leave u in shock ... maybe he took the things in different ways .. first when i was at sydney alone i thought he was happy with out me but the reality was totally different...He is worried for me and all he wants is to me be happy and he thinks i m happy with bhavesh and i want to be with him and i love him .... i never did that i always loved u siddharth and i didn't kiss him back and he was not in his senses he was drunk ... this was the first time i felt that he loves me too ... but he is not able to say just like me .... i was confused ... i had two point of views of the story now... but i choose the newly discovered one ... not just because it was in favor but because it seems more suitable ... i finally get to see a rainbow after a strong strom ... then i happily went to have my bath which siddharth has prepared for me .... i smiled to myself and had a long relaxing bath ... it was the time when i will forget everything in past and find that do siddharth too feel same for me and is in same condition as i m ....

After the bath i tied a robe and went to room to see my favorite breakfast arranged for me ... nutella pancakes and hot chocolate... also there were alots of chocolates kept ... when reem came ... and i smiled at her which she gave me back ... with a warm hug ... and i whispered "thanku" in her ear ...
Re: thank siddharth he did it all ...

Avu: huh ?
And she gave me a bright smile with that which i took as a yes ... and i smiled internally which came out as a blush.. and people say he doesn't care about me ... u don't need to do lot of things and keep telling the person that u did this or that for them.. these small sweet gestures says it all ... and i adore this thing about siddharth...
Re: chal now have your breakfast vrna that siddharth will eat me alive ...
And i chuckled ... i had my breakfast in peace then i laid on bed to have some rest and re too left as jai called her... i was half asleep when i heard door opening ... i bothered less to check who it is when i felt an unfamiliar touch and i opened my eyes quickly just to see something i don't want to ...


Socho aur batao

Chaloo byee

See u soon

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