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--Not Your Sweet Little girl, anymore--

*Author's POV*

Sid: I told u na not to give her permission ..

Avu: Siddharth she is 16 now and is legally eligible to ride two-wheelers ..

Sid: so what ... she is not riding it yet specially with her friends .. she can fall or get in an accident or maybe kill someone...

Avu: Siddharth u are over reacting now ... Ani and Abhi are with her ...

Sid: so what I m not with her ... just call Abhi and ask him to bring her back home safely...

Avu: I m not going to do that...

Sid: okay then I will ...

Avu: no Siddharth... stop behaving like a kid ...

Sid: I better behave like a kid then risk her safety...
And as he was going to call abhi, Avu snatched his phone ..
Avu: I m taking your phone...
And she ran out from the room ...
Sid(in mind): isse kya lagta hai ki agr mera phone le lege toh I won't be able to call abhi ... no baby... we have other phones too ...
And with that he marched in the living room ...
Sid: dada can I use your phone?

Avu: no bhai ... you are not giving him your phone ... and neither Vaish di you will...

Sid: why are u such a control freak ?

Avu: I m a control freak? Okay then u are a stupid man ...

Sid: where does it even came from?

Vaish: guys guys ... shant can we know what's happening...

Avu: yes ... this Siddharth doesn't want Mrunu go learn activa ...

Abhay: and why so?

Sid: because she can get hurt ... plus I don't trust those boys ...

V: neither do I...
V said appearing from no where...
Avu: he is saying this because he can't learn activa yet ...

V: no i m saying this because Abhay bhai is a reckless driver and Ani bhai  just got his permanent license... so Mru di is in danger ...

Sid: Right ...

Abhay: OhSid ke chamche ... both our boys are responsible so nothing will happen to her...

Vaish: Right plus Sid u know Abhi, he will be very careful as his Mrunu is involved...

Avu: Right and u and me, we both know how protective he is ..

Sid: yaar I don't care .. it's about my little girl and I have full right to make decisions of what she will do and what won't ...

Avu: u are getting on my nerves now ...

Abhinavi (together): mine too

V: not on mine ...
Sid's over protective nature was troubling avu so she dragged him in their room to talk to him in private...
Sid: whattt ??

Avu: come sit with me ...

Sid: you look calm ... ooh wait are u PMSing ... you still have a lot of time for your periods...
He said looking at the period tracker in his phone ..
Avu: i m not PMSing ... I want to talk to u like two adults or parents or whatever..

Sid: ooh okay ..

Avu: look i completely understand how concerned u are for mrunu ... and u should be she is your daughter or your little girl as you say .. but our little girl is growing ... and now she can take care of herself... u don't have to worry about every single thing ...

Sid: how can i not ...

Avu: because we don't want her to be so fragile... we want her to be strong ... if she will not fall then how she will get up ...

Sid: but why would I let her fall when I know that I can save her ..

Avu: You are not getting my point Siddharth... its her life ... we need to give her the freedom to live it as she wants to ... we need to let her see the rough patches ... her whole life can't be like a Disney movie ... we need to let her grow ... she is 16 now .. and if she wants to take adventures then we should support her and not hold her back so that she doesn't fall ... she has to see failures and cry on them and then work on her imperfections to stand back stronger... it wasn't the first time u denied her to do something... just because of your overprotective nature... isse toh she will start feeling suffocated ... We are lucky that our daughter trusts us, she asks for our permission and really care about our decisions... But if we will start denying her every wish, she will stop asking us and start doing things without telling us... And that is more risky, very risky...

Sid: you are right ... our girl is growing up ... and she is not gonna remain my 10 year old little princess forever ...  I have to expose her to the world... I have to give her freedom...

Avu: right ... and I m not saying u to not be protective for her ... just don't be an over protective one...

Sid: okay I understood your every single word... and I will behave from now ...

Avu: very good ...

Sid: thank you Miss mature Mumma ..

Avu: your most welcome Mr. protective papa ..
And they chuckled at the cringe yet cute name they gave each other when mrunu was 1 ... and then they hugged ... and then they kissed and then kissed more and then more ... actually not their kiss was interrupted by a loud bang of door and they got caught red handed by their own little daughter...
Mrunu: Jess .. what am I witnessing with my innocent, virgin eyes...

Sid: shut up .. don't act like you haven't seen two people kissing .

Mrunu: kissing is okay but you two *cleares her throat* lets not talk about it... unless you are planning to get me a little brother or sister ...

Avu: yuck mrunu u have got a dirty mouth ...

Mrunu: I got it from dad ... 
And he made a 'what' face.
Mrunu: anyways you know what I drove amazingly today ... Abhi bhai gave me 9 on 10 and Ani a 9.5 on 10 ... do u want to see the video ? 
And she played the video without really concerning about their replies and ooh my god she drives so awfully...
Avu: I think Siddharth u were right... she needs a better tutor ...

Mrunu: why? Abhi bhai and Ani are good ...

Sid: ofcourse they are ... look how mercifully they granted u marks ...

Mrunu: papa

Sid: mrunu ..

That was it.. i don't know if it was good or not but i tried....

So i hope u like it...

Also, strict parents give birth to liars... Agree or not?

Okay chalo byeeeeeeee ....

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