49 Love me 💔

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And he went out .. shit ... why the fuck siddharth left the door open.. i tried getting up to go behind bhavesh but Siddharth hugged her tightly.. and at this moment i want to be selfish and just care about me and what i want... i looked at siddharth who was sleeping calmy and hugging me like a little baby hugs his favorite soft toy ... his closed relax eyes which were covered my his messy hair locks .. his perfectly contoured nose and then those pink lips which make a pout when he sleep ... i moved my fingers on the them in a same manner in describe them ... he is extremely good looking ... maybe the most good looking thing i have ever laid eyes on ... ooh wait avneet i think u are skipping something 🤔.. ooh ya it's bhavesh.. shit i have to rush .. i made my self free from the iron grip and soon as i do so siddharth hugged a pillow .. missing my body warmth... isn't he the cutest? ... Avneet u are again getting distracted... i brushed my teeth and ran out to search for bhavesh ... i tried calling him thrice but he didn't pick my call ..  now i m worried.... why me god ?? I called reem asking her if bhavesh is in room but no he was not .. where the fuck is he man .. okay the last place in my mind now was the bar area ... it is not possible for someone to be in bar this morning but my life never fails to suprise me ... so i went there ..  and ya the unexpected should always be expected fortunately he was there but unfortunately in a bad condition his eyes were red and puffy and he seemed so drunk and miserable.. he was on floor.. he had wiskey bottle in his hand which he is still sipping from ... he was so engrossed in drinking that he didn't even realize that i m standing right in front... to be honest i was so scared to talk with him... he was heartbroken and i know this feeling very well ... i slowly sat beside him and took bottle from his hand bring this attention towards me .. i moved his face to make eye contact with him ...
Avu: what are u doing bhavesh?

Bhav: i m drinking ...

He said taking back bottle from my hand which i again snatched .. he was not in his senses he was high  ...
Avu: u are really drunk bhavesh please stop doing this...

Bhav: what do i do then ?

Avu: u get up lets go in the room ... and u take rest ..
I said while trying to stand him but he refused to listen to me )
Bhav: why do u love him ?
He asked from nowhere .. i look at him blankly coz i know he was drunk
Avu: bhavesh u are so drunk we need to go ..

Bhav: no i want to know .. y him and not me ?
He said almost pulling ne down
Avu: bhavesh u can't

Bhav(intrupts me): y can't u just love me .. he treats u like a 2nd women ... then too u run behind him ... m i that bad..

Avu: u are not bad bhavesh it's just i love him and i doesn't have a reason ..

Bhav: everything has a reason ... just give me a chance i really love u m.

Avu: bhavesh...

Bhav: please avneet... just give me a chance and i m sure u will not regret it... i know u have a soft corner for me ... please
He said cupping my face ... our faces were so close that i could smell the alcohol..
Bhav: please avneet just one change ... i really love u .. and it makes me feel so broken seeing u with him... i would be better if u were happy .. but u are neither happy nor mine ..  and i can't tolerate that...
He joint his forehead with me he was breathing heavily and we both were crying .. i really don't have anything to say in my defence so i was listening to him...
Bhav: please don't do this with me and yourself... we can have a happy life together... unbothered and stress free .. 
He was almost whispering now ..
Bhav: please avneet ..
And he kept chanting this for a while till it became inaudible... and when another unexpected thing happened god can u please inform me before... i m fucking tired of this suprises ... he kissed me ... he fucking kissed he .. it was peck first but slowly it turned to a kiss ..  i did kiss him back but i neither stop him ... i don't know what happened to me i had no control on my self.. maybe it was my guilt that stopoed me from breaking the kiss ... and then another unexpected thing... the problem always knock my door ... here appeared siddharth from no where and he fucking saw bhavesh kissing me ... i break the kiss immediately after looking him .. he saw us both in anger and went out banging the door .. while i shout his name from behind i tried to get up but bhavesh stopped me .... he looked at me and nodded negatively ...

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Aur na mujhe yaad dika dia kro ki update krna hai mein bhul jati hu ... okay bye..

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