#62 Sidjann ki shaadi 🥀

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wore my pretty blue coloured lengha which bhavesh choose for me ... with huge earrings and a baby pink colour lipstick plus a silver colour bindi ... I was ready externally but internally, i had no idea how will i do it ... My eyes was not ready to see him getting married , My heart was just not ready ...

Knock knock

Avu: hng

Sonia: ready ho gye avneet

Avu: hng mumma ...
And she gently placed her hand on my cheek ..
Sonia: i never knew that my daughter is so beautiful
And I smiled at her..
Sonia: kya hua ...

Avu: kuch bhi toh nhi ...

Sonia: kuch toh hua hai avneet ... u are not really happy ... the spark in your eyes and your mischievous smile has gone somewhere...
She noticed ... should i tell her ? I wonder..
Sonia: u should tell me ..
She replied as she could hear what i m thinking ...
Avu(nervously): mumma actually ...

Sonia: i m your mother avneet .. u should not be nervous... i know we always argue .. but this shouldn't stop u from sharing your thoughts with me ..
She was ryt ... i think i should tell her ... i closed my eyes and said it in a single breathe
Avu: momilovesiddharth

Sonia: okay i m going bye...

Avu: no no no stop stop stop ... i m saying it clearly... i love umm

Sonia: u love ?

Avu: i..i.. i l..love ..um

Sonia: siddharth

Avu: hn?

Sonia: that's what u wanna say ryt?

Avu: yes .. u knew this ..

Sonia: only a idiot couldn't knew this ..
Exactly that is what siddharth is - an idiot ..
Avu: how ?

Sonia: c'mon avneet u look at him like like girls look at pani puri ...

Avu: ooh .. does dad knew about this ?

Sonia: yes

Avu: really?

Sonia: hmm..

Avu: and Vibha aunty ..

Sonia: yess ... she even try to delay this marriage but Jannat's parents were not convinced plus siddharth haven't said anything by himself ..

Avu: he doesn't love me back

Sonia: u asked him..

Avu: yess ..

Sonia: i m so sorry for u avneet ..

Avu: its okay ..  it's all in my fate .. mom..

Sonia: hm.

Avu: can i just not go to the wedding..

Sonia: avneet

Avu(intrupts): mom i really can't see him getting married to someone else ..

Sonia: You are a strong woman avneet.. and you should come ..

Avu: Maybe i am not .. I am as strong or as good as you guys think I am ...

Sonia: I won't force you further .. But you are my brave daughter .. And i am so proud of you ...
And i smiled weakly a her... she told that she is gonna tell about this to everyone so that no one could inspect about me and make a scene ...

It was now the time of their marriage ... i went to the pool side so that i atleast can hear them and cry ... i removed my lengha ... and put the feet in the water rolling up my lower .. which i wore from beneath... a normal girl would shout and cry violently but i ... i didn't... tears might be rolling continuously but my month didn't even utter a word ... when i heard everyone hooting and the song "tere haath mein mera haath ho' started to play .. I assumed that jannat would have entered ... and the next would be the jaimala ... i closed my eyes imagining me at the place of jannat ... sitting beside my love in that red lengha ... my hand in his ... i could imagine jaimala made with red roses and white pearls around my neck ... and my cheeks tinted red not just with the blush of makeup but the blush and colour of love ... and the guests coming and giving us gifts and blessings... and then finally the time of the marriage, the real marriage... when we both walk together to the beautifully decorated mandap and we sat while pandit ji chanted mantars ... i coould hear the voice of mantars ... and i came out of my dream ... my heart beat incresed ... i felt like i would get a panic attack any second...

#sidjann ki shaadi 🥀

Okay bye

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