#53 Confession?

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Avu: actually i love u
And when mere pyaar ka dushman his phone started to ring ... my eyes went to his phone screen and it displayed "JAAN❤" which means jannat
Sid: one second
And he picked the call and my 'you" became inaudible...
**On call**
(one sided conversation)

Jaan: ...

Sid: Hii baby


Sid: i miss u too ... don't worry we have flight in 3 hrs. I will be with u soon ...
(Mimicking him) i will be with u soon ... idiot
Jaan: ...

Sid: okay love u too
And my heart dropped... i looked at him with open mouth and wide eyes ... exhaling slowing ... he said love u too. .. does he ? No he can't he is.... god this can't happen ... he is just giving reply to her love you.. and ofcourse he has to ... because they are getting married he can't say her that  he didn't love her ... ya ofcourse this is the thing he actually didn't mean it ...
Sid: haan abb bol
And i got snapped out of my trance not knowing what to say further... i opened my mouth to say him those threewords but eventually closed it ...
Sid: bol avneet
And finally i was able to say him three words but not those which u expect me to ...
Avu: don't marry her

Sid: hn?

Avu: please don't

Sid: what happened avneet what are u saying and why are u crying...
And i realized that i was crying... he pulled me closer and cupped my face... and mouthed "kya hua" and i cried harder in response.... i couldn't understand what to say and what not ... i was afraid again to get rejected.. to loose what i have ... and specially to hurt jannat ... she has  fallen for him and either i can be happy or she ... but if this marriage happened neither of us can be happy coz siddharth loves me and i know that i could see that ..
Avu: please don't marry her

Sid: but why .. chal aacha for once lets image that I am not getting married... then what ... i will have to marry someone one day and what if she is not as good as jannat is or she doesn't love me as much as jannat do ... i can hurt her ... she has done so much for me and knowing the fact that she loves me ... i can't back off ... i can't hurt her saying i don't love her ... it would be better if it all would have never started or never gone so far .. but now when it is i have to be in it ...
Avu: but u don't love her

Sid: and what if the girl i love didn't love me back ... isse aacha toh i shouldn't confess na or even better not fall in love ... i wouldn't be able to tolerate a heart break..

Avu: and if i say that a girl loves u more than jannat do

Sid: then what ... thats not my headache...

Avu: what?

Sid: ya if Don't love a girl back i don't care if she loves me .. y would anyone care ?
How cruel he is ? That is what u all must be thinking na .. but no he is not ... No one can actually understand and value that feeling except the one who is in it ..
Avu: and what if that girl is your best friend

Sid: hn?

Avu: what if i loved u ?

Sid: u would never

Avu: why?

Sid: because i know u more than u know yourself... u love bhavesh and bhavesh loves u back ... and he deserves you..
He may deserves me maybe more than u do .. but its never who deserves it ... its always who takes it at last ...  its the fate who decides who will have it. .. and
I still believe that it's u ...
Avu: i m not in love with bhavesh

Sid: ooh really then y did u give him your first kiss..

Avu: i never ... u were the one who kissed me first ...

Sid: we both we high then ..

Avu: even bhavesh was high then ... u must have know that till now ..

Sid: but u were toh in your senses..

Avu: but i never kissed him back..

Sid: but u never pushed him back either..

Avu: because i was guilty...

Sid: *laughs* ya u were
Note the sarcasm
Avu: i was mentally tired enough to do anything right .. like i m now
And with that i leaned forward and sucked his bottom lip ... and he frooze with that ... his grip weaken on my face and i looked at him for the last time and then went out of the room ...


***Skip to India **

We have just landed to India and we have our whole family to receive us ..  riyaz and ritz has too joint us ... me and siddharth hasn't spoke after i kissed him ... and just like i said before ... i was too tired to think the right and wrong ... and now i regret it ... why the fuck i m like this god ... after bharat milap at airport ... we get seated in car ... me sid jannat reem jai papa and riyaz we all were in one car and others in other ... when suddenly papa pressed the break and the car stopped with a jerk...

Toh kesa laga chapter ??


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