#44 Omelettes 🤢🤮

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Welcome back sidneetians!!!
Chapter :44

Dedicated to hogwardssortingthat

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And he looked at me with a hope of me taking his name ... and i thought about it for a while...
Avu: u donnot have second options on love ... and if u have then that isn't love ..

Bhav: And what if u didn't get him...
And it took me a while to actually think about what i should answer ... what if i really didn't get him .. there were many things in my mind but i choose to speak the most optimistic one..
Avu: i will not stop trying till they really get married... and i know we are made for each other and i will definitely get him ..

Bhav: well then i will give even more effort in you two ... and if it doesn't work .... toh who knows i will get lucky one day ...

Avu: good luck then...

Bhav: to u too..
And we begin to drink your drinks after that... we talked about random things and how unfair the life is ... how it is not easy to get love and every shit coming in our mind .. till we were fully drank ... we shifted our place from couch to floor as the night continued ....

**Next morning **

i got up when i felt something heavy on my chest as well as on my head ... and when i got some sense ... i relized it was bhavesh who sleeping on my chest and my head it hurts because of the drinks what we had while complaining about every single thing and individual... i took off my mind from my horrible head ache and spent few seconds of my life admiring bhavesh ... he is probably the cutest boy and the sweetest person i have ever laid eyes on ... and i feel bad for him ... but i really don't have any option ... i already love a boy and that too from years before i have met bhavesh ... the girl who bhavesh will be with will probably the luckiest girl ever and i m not definitely that lucky ... i shrugged off the thoughts and wake up bhavesh ... he too woke up with a terrible headache or i can say a hangover instead... and after a while we went back to our room and all others were sleeping yet ... and this was a good thing ... i asked for lemonade from room service and we booth had it ... we both literally puked because the night went a little crazy... i decided not to tell bhai or reem about bhavesh's feelings about me neither will i continue this drama i don't want him to get hurt more ... and i will tell Siddharth that i was just pranking him and there is nothing between me and bhavesh ..  i could find any other guy to continue the jealousy game with me but not bhavesh... about an hour or so others got up too ... we all freshen up and now we are heading to the dinning area ... Siddharth has already taken permission to cook there and he is preparing his world famous omelettes... while everyone else is praying for there poor taste buds and stomach of course ... they all already ordered some food to pre boost so that they don't remain hungry ... but i refused to do so ... i really wanna have those omelettes and thus i received lots of judging looks and disgusting glares by them coz ofcourse his omelettes are awful but i know how much i remembered them back when i was in Sydney and he was in mumbai ...when we saw him coming from a distance and my fellow mates quickly dumped their plates under the table so that he couldn't see their pre-existing food... he came with the most pleasant smile ...
Sid: so ladies and gentlemen let me present u the world's most yummiest and my special omelettes...
And with that he served us all some omelettes and he ordered some pancakes for himself coz again chefs Don't eat their own masterpiece 🙄 ... the people around me and Siddharth who basically are our friends put the fakest smile and took a bite of the omelette .. and i could see there expression changing ... they made a awful face , a face u have just before puking and continued eating while i took my bite and it taste exactly the same ... half burnt half undercook without salt put lots of chilli the typical Siddharth nigam omelette ... and i completed the whole with a smile.... while other hoped to be alive till night

We had a better day ahead .. we rested at a spa ... chilled at pool side and now it was almost evening... boys were getting ready for thier amazing night but they were unaware of the fact that we have a plan to riun theirs... although i was not sure about it ... i was not so well today.. i have puked thrice from morning first because of the drink and then may be because of those omelettes plus i have period cramps and drinking doesn't seem to be the right option tonight but i can't ditch my girls so i have to do it ... we girls were getting ready in the separate room and boys do have a clue that we are too going to club tonight but they don't the complete plan ... i was putting on my lipstick when i heard some voice from boys room ... i looked at girls and they heard it too .. we went there and i saw bhav and Sid holding each others collar... the scene horrified  me and i went to stop them from fighting but none of them listen to me ...
Sid(shouts in anger): y do u care about avneet so much.. what is your problem

Bhav: because i love her and care for her unlike u and selfish ass...

Bhavesh and siddharth fighting...

Bhavesh confessed his love..

Its not gonna even very well...

Okay bye


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