#55 Abhinavi 💕🤞

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Avu: riyaz u should stop doing that.

Aly: stop doing what?

Sid: being so lech
Sid said appearing from no where ... and i look at him with "u know about that" look
Aly: excuse me

Avu: excuse me ... i don't known if it's your intentions or by mistake but i don't like the way u touch u me or talk to me ... its disgusting ..

Aly: u are just making a scene... i never did that...

Sid: but she feels uncomfortable around u and thats your fault that u couldn't make a girl feel safe around u ..

Aly: c'mon guys stop exaggerating things... i was just being nice to her ... and she is far more friendly than with u Sid ...

Avu: but that doesn't justify ur actions... i feel safe around him unlike around u and all i m saying is to make a safe distance with me ...

Sid: or better we can do is u and your sister u guys can go back ...

Ritz: where are we going?
Aa ja ... nhi tu bhi aa hi ja ritz bss tere hi kasar thi
Sid: my best friend is not comfortable around your brother so u guys are just moving to a hotel .. pr shaadi mein zarur aana
He said wrapping arm around me protectively while giving ritz and riyaz an ironic smile
Ritz: (anger) how dare u insult my brother like that.... Aly we are leaving ... (sarcastic smile) and siddharth thanks for the invitation but i don't think we could attend it ...

Sid: that will be perhaps better ... and ya stay away from my brother and u mr Riyaz Aly just be careful from next time ... otherwise in no time your name will be given to POSH ...

Aly: that's enough siddharth... i don't know why she felt that way but that was not my intentions ... i m sorry avneet if u felt uncomfortable ...

Avu: its okay but i still want u guys to leave
And in no time they both fumed out of our lifes for forever... and i looked at siddharth and hugged him tightly... a friend knows what u tell him but a best friend knows what u don't know yourself ...
Sid: i knew from the first time that u weren't comfortable around him but i wanted u to say that by yourself... u will not get stronger people around u everytime its u who have to stand for yourself for every wrong and every right thing ... i want u to speak for yourself coz trust me no else will do that and i m happy u did ...
And hugged him tighter ..
Sid: we still have a work pending ..
And i looked at him with a mischievous smile ... coz i exactly know what he meant and we went to my place to find abhay bhai... This ritz has created a mess before going which needs to be cleaned soon ... vaish di was doing some work in my room when we pushed abhay bhai inside the room after explaining him that vaish di is really mad at u because of ritz leaching on u ... and he told that he has been trying to talk to her but vaish is not ready to listen... so i guess it was the time for things to go back to normal ... abhay went to talk to vaish while me and sid stand on the door to witness there patch...
Abhay: vaish

Vaish: hm
She said without looking at him ..he hold a hand and make her look at him ... his one hand rested on her waist and other cupped her face..
Abhay: i know u are mad at me but do u know why i got married to u ...

Vaish: because i m beautiful ..

Abhay:*chuckles* u indeed are... but it was more because u understand me like no one ever did ... u made me feel wanted and specially and important... u believed in me when no one else did ... and most importantly because i loved u and i still love u and i will always love u ... more than anything... u are the most important girl in my life after mom ... and u are so so special to me ... and i am so much attractive to u ... and that's y its Mrs Vaishnavi Abhishek Nigam and its not Ritika Abhishek Nigam .. u are my wife and not her ... just never ever think that i have something for her ... and secondly the thing u are being insure of is what i love the most ... Abhinav is the best gift i could ever receive... i can't express how grateful i m and how thankful i m ... i know how much u suffered. pregnancy is not easy ... and its natural to gain weight ... i can't believe how people cheat their partner during pregnancy... i toh fell in love with u more everyday... vaish u bought a new life in existence... and this fat, stretch marks is what u need to flaunt not get insecure of ...
Abhay: abb y are u crying?

Vaish: coz i love u ..
She said hugging him .. they are so cute .. aren't they ? ... and with that bhai placed numerous kisses on her hair before he could kiss her forehead followed by her eyes then nose ... then lips .. okay wasn't it suppose to be a peck .. i think we should give them some privacy...
Avu: i think we should go and let them make some babies... abhi will be so happy getting a little brother or sister..

Sid: even i think so but iss baar naam mein rahunga ..

Avu: nhi mein ..

Sid: mein rakhunga ...
Tring-tring ... my phone rang and it was of jannat ...

**On call**

Avu: hello..

Jan: avneet can u help me getting ready ... u know sid's choice better than anyone else ... i wanna look exactly how he wants
She said bringing be back into reality... Sidis getting engaged in an hour or two *sighs*
Avu: i m coming

**Call ends**

Sid: what happened ??

Avu: nothing she wants me to help her to get ready .. she wants to look exactly how u will like it ...

Sid: how sweet of her ... go bestie doll up my bride to be
And i smiled weakly at him before going to jannat ... with a aching heart ....

Siddjaan's engagement 🥀

Okay bye ..

You guys can feel free to panick ..

Also i have fever 🤒

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