#48 Belive me

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I got up to open the door ... to look who is there can we have a drum roll at his entry please... so i welcome Mr. Siddharth Nigam ... wohhhooo *claps* ...
Avu: For god sake leave me alone...

Sid: okay i will but before that ... have food and medicine...

Avu: i don't want anything...

Sid: ya u don't want it but u definitely need it... u have fever avneet...

Avu: how do u know ?

Sid: when i grabbed your face u were burning hot ... so now can i come inside ...
Ooh ... i gave him space to come inside ... he bought my night suit a happy meal and medicine... and people say he doesn't care for me ...
Sid: u should change first u will feel more comfortable...
He said looking at my exposed body... i had removed my court and i was standing there wearing a skirt which barely cover my ass and a top which show more than a decent amount of cleavage... i nodded and went to change ... when i came back .. siddharth has already arranged bed ...
Sid: first eat and then have medicine...

Avu:Okay i will u can leave now ..

Sid: i m not going anywhere till u have your medicine...
There was no point of arguing with him he is a stubborn and i don't even have strength of doing that to be honest ... i just crawl on the bed like an obedient child and stuffed my mouth with fries ... i looked at him and he was observing my actions ... when i asked him to eat and now we both were filling our empty tummies... after that i took my medicine... i laid on bed hugging his torso while he creased my hair... i want him to stay and he know that...
Sid: i think u should sleep now ...

Avu: i don't feel like sleeping..

Sid: then what do u feel like doing ...

Avu: talking to u ..

Sid: about what...

Avu: what just happened between u and bhavesh ..

Sid: avneet its not the time for that.. we will talk about that in morning...

Avu: no i want to know what happened... it will make me feel better...

Sid: okay .. so we were getting ready for club... when jai told that us that you girls are also going to aclub and u guys have dress in a slutty way ... so bhavesh asked me if we could go some other day and u shouldn't have alcohol today and all ... and he started to show extra care about u ... and i just warned him to not be so worried about u ... i m there for u .. u don't need him ... when he started to speak shit ... it looked like he wanna have fight with me ... that he just finding a way to take out his frustration on me ... and things spiced up a little and i punched him ... after what all he said about  mine and your equation i was numb for once ... but the moment i gained senses i got pissed again for him saying that about us ... and that he loves u thing... u told me there is nothing between u guys and i believed u ... but hearing that thing made me loose my control ..
Avu: but i never said i love him back ... believe me siddharth there is nothing between us ...

Sid: i believe u ... and i want the same believe from your side...

Avu: i want to ... each and every part of me want to believe each and part of yours but what all he said also made sense... after u got married with jannat ... it will be her with whom u will want to spend time and chill ... our favorite spots will become your favorite spots ... then what will i do ...
He didn't said anything for a while just took a deep breathe
Sid: give me that packet of medicine and a pen..
And i gave him then he wrote something on it... and gave me that...
Sid: i have written M on it .. u have 30 second find that...
i nodded as i thought it was easy ... and my time starts and ends but i was not able to find it  he wrote M again and asked me to again find it but i failed again... and he kept quite after that...
Avu: where is it?

Sid: i never wrote M there ... i told u and u believed me .. this same believe i want u in me ... not just today ... but for rest of my life ... i promise i will never let u down ...
And i just smiled at him ... i was so stunned by this... and i know i trust him i have believe in him .... after sometime we both felt sleep ....


Next morning

I woke up at the most comfortable place .. my eyes were blessed u see my love as soon as it opened ... when i found someone standing there ... i looked and found bhavesh standing there ..
Bhav: i bought u medicines .. but i feel u don't need them anymore...
And he went out .. shit ... why the fuck siddharth left the door opened...

Kesaa laga chapter??

Bhavesh is hurt and it hurts us more to see him like that..

Okay byee.

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