Little boy

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Finally,It was the time for repaying the dog boys.
Wei Ying was observing them as they were ordering their men to quickly move the staffs.Wei Ying decided to call the police.By the time the cops came ,fear spread through the men and hurridly started running away.Wen Ning saw the leader of the dog boys running secretly and show him to the Wei Ying.Wei ying went confront him and blocked his way.Then he knock out him with a fierce kick and left his body there.After a pleasant revenge,they came back home.


Wei Ying saw  lan wangji and walked straight toward him.He smiled toward the cold face of lan wangji."hey friend , we should match our time for a date about the design.What about today we see each other infront of  the "Roser" cafe? he said the date part teasingly that it would seem they were really dating."hmm" as simple as always lan wangji said.

It was almost 4 pm,lan wangji came on time.As he entered cafe he saw wei Ying waving his hands that attracted some costumers.It made lan zhan frown more."hey buddy, i was expecting you what do you want to order?"
"Coffee"lan zhan said.Wei Ying with a wild smile turned to the waiter and said two coffee please.

They started working on the design as Wei Ying would talk about anything excitingly.
To Wei Ying's supprise,lan zhan was listening and sometimes he would nod or say hmm.They finished today's part and lan Wangji already stood up to pay the coffees.But suddenly a hand grabbed his hand and avoided him from paying.
Actually,lan wangji would avoid any body contanct cause he didn't like it.In contrast,this touch was some how pleasing and he didn't push away the warm hand.                                  

"for the celebration of our friendship let me pay it" Wei Ying said and paid it with his card.
"We aren't friends"lan zhan said with frown.
Wei Ying said teasingly" Okay buddy let's go"
It made lan wangji frown even more.

As they got out of the cafe,wei ying saw a little boy that was being dragged by two men.The little kid was about 3 or  4 years old and was trying to free himself from those men.The kid started crying and calling for help but no one would dare to confront the two men as they had big bodies and it was obvious they were into the crime.

Those men hit the kid because he was diaobeying them.Wei Ying didn't hesitate a second and punched both.As they backed away a little,Wei ying grabbed the child and kept him behind.
"Hey little boy,do you know them?"the kid nodded his head as a negative respones.

As those men started fighting Wei Ying,lan zhan came and twisted the hand of the other man who wanted to hit Wei Ying from back.Wei Ying noticed and looked with appreciation toward lan zhan for a second.Then he grabbed the man and punched him numerous times for hitting the kid.

Those men found out they weren't a rival infront of them and ran away.Instantly, Wei Ying hugged the child who was crying and tried to calm him.
"Oh why are you crying little boy?Now you are safe the bad guys won't come again.uhh you didn't tell me your name little kid what's you name baby?"

With that way of speaking the kid stopped crying and was staring at Wei Ying innocently that it made wei ying  hug him tighter.
In return the kid also hugged him tighter as it was the safest place for him and hid his head on Wei Ying's neck.Wei Ying didn't remove the kid from himself and stood up with him hanging from his neck.

Lan wangji was watching this scene and admired wei ying in his mind.Wei Ying turned to him.
" lan zhan ,thank you for today you saved me "
Wei Ying said with beautiful smile on his face . lan zhan was thinking in his mind what a beautiful smile if he could save that smile for himself only.Suddenly,he froze about what he was thinking for a second and frowned.

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