Chapter 45

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"I will explain let's get inside"lan zhan grabbed his hand and dragged him inside.
Everyone has been sitting in the living room.
Wei ying was holding Ayuan despite lan zhan's disagreement saying ayuan was heavy for him to hold.wei ying was caressing ayuan's hair looking at him full of parent love.Ayuan was had leaned his head to wei ying's right side of chest playing with the toy.Wei ying didn't look at his mother deliberately.The atmosphere was awkward.
Lan qiren broke the silence" Madam jiang we are happy to meet you personally!"
"It is my pleasure to meet your family too!" Madam jiang answered politely.
"We won't bother you anymore we came here to talk about lan wangji and wei ying then take wei ying home!"Leader jiang declared.
Wei ying thought that his father wanted to end their relationship ,felt insecure then moved closer to lan zhan and grabbed his hand tightly.
Wei ying looked down not showing his eyes become teary.He was most afraid of his family breaking him up with lan zhan.wei ying thought Why had his father also wanted to break them up,his father had accepted them but why he was going to separate them now.Maybe his brother also had changed his mind about their relationship seeing mother disapprove.but he was sure his sister was supporting them.He was scared of leaving his family not seeing his brother, sister ,father, even his mother.or what if his father say something that make lan zhan's family hurt and he will lose their support too.
Negative thought were floating inside his mind, he didn't want to break up with lan zhan.He was feeling like his heart was stopping,everything was so slow motion,he was hearing uncle qiren's voice  echoing asking him what his father wanted to talk about ,he couldn't hear properly,his head was spinning,he tried to resist against his stubborn tears not falling down.He could not see properly anymore as he was seeing dark spots .
Ayuan was still in his embrace he hardly called lan zhan"lan..zhan!...hold...ayuan!"
Lan zhan heared his voice faint.Something was wrong he grabbed ayuan from him immediately and put him on the other side of himself.
When ayuan was taken wei ying put his free hand on his head.Why was the world spinning,he heared lan zhan's voice calling him but he couldn't think straight.
Lan zhan noticed tears falling down "wei ying!"
He knelt against him to see his face as his head was down.Wei ying's face was so pale and his body was cold.Lan zhan noticed his eyes closed and wei ying head fell.He immediately held him.
"Wei ying!wei ying!"lan zhan called repeatedly.
Everyone had already stopped talking when lan zhan knelt in front of wei ying checking him.
Lan zhan put wei ying lie on the sofa meanwhile Jiang yanli took ayuan.They called wen qing.
Wen qing came as fast as possible .
"He had fainted due to immense nervousness.It seems he had been anxious that it tired his body.
Don't let him have stress anymore!He must avoid even the slightest.He had surgery recently his body can't take stress.Let him rest for now!"
Wen qing finished talking.
All of them knew why wei ying was stressed.
Madam jiang regretted.She was also responsible for his son's such condition.She had hurt his son by her words .She didn't notice she was putting his son in tight spot making him feel distressed.
Lan zhan was worried.He thought i should have paid more attention to him.
After few hours
Wei ying squeezed the warm hand grabbing his.
He could feel it was lan zhan's.
"Wei ying!" Lan zhan noticed his movement.
Wei Ying opened his eyes slightly.It was so light that he closed his eyes again and opened it again.
He looked at lan zhan.He also saw others standing there.Why he was lying here.but he couldn't remember.
"Lan zhan!what happened?"wei ying grabbed his head.It was heavy.
"We gathered in living room to talk and then you fainted "lan zhan put his hand on his own cheek.
Wei ying remembered suddenly.He hurriedly tried to sat but sudden move made his heavy head hurt more"Ahh!..."
"Why did you suddenly sat?Where does it hurt!"
Lan zhan wanted to massage his head but wei ying prevented and turned his head toward lan zhan.His face got worried again.His eyes become teary again.
"What's it ?!wei ying !tell me! Don't cry!" Lan zhan asked.Everyone got worried by his sudden change.
"I don't want to break up with you!I can't live without you!"
Lan zhan kissed his head"who said we are gonna break up???!!"
"I know ..They came us!Lan zhan please I don't want to lose you!"Wei ying cried hugging lan zhan.
"They have accepted us they came here to tell that to you and my family!" Lan zhan now understands why he was so distressed there.
Wei ying pulled back "what?they accepted us?!"
"Mn"lan zhan kissed his forehead.
"They won't separate us?!"it seemed he couldn't believe that.
"They will let us stay together?!"
"Mn"lan zhan kissed his head numerous time.It was the first time wei ying was acting silly,his wei ying was so smart and would catch everything quickly but now he was extraordinarily cute.
Wei ying remained silent,he finally understood that his family had agreed with his relationship.
His tears were dropping repeatedly,It seemed his tears had competition with each other who was faster.Lan zhan saw that wei ying cried even more.
"Why are you crying?! Don't cry please!wei ying!"
"I am just so happy.I can't believe we can stay peacefully with our families.More importantly,I won't lose you,I can stay with you,have you for myself! Lan zhan I was afraid!I was afraid of losing you!"
Lan zhan wiped his face gently.He didn't know wei ying was mostly afraid of losing him.It was meanly to be happy seeing wei ying afraid of losing him and crying for him.He couldn't resist anymore and kissed Wei ying's lips intensly.
Everyone got shocked especially madam jiang he knew his son's shamelessness had conveyed to his son in law but he didn't expect lan zhan to kiss wei ying infront of them like that.Wei ying was surprised and stopped crying.He got relaxed.
"Cough..."leader jiang snapped them out them.
Leader jiang told his wife seeing her shocked
"You will get used to it!"and he chuckled .
Wei ying pulled back and blushed.He turned to his mother"You accept him?"
Madam jiang "yes.We had come here to tell you that and take you home but you fainted !"
Wei ying stood with lan zhan's help and walked toward her,he hugged her tightly
"Thank you mother!!"
Madam jiang hugged him back warmly.

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