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At night ,Wei Ying introduced Ayuan to Wen Ning and explain his complicated situation.
However"Wei Ying you can't just decide to take him as your child .What are you gonna do?You know better than me your responsibility and our main reason for being here in this city."

"Ugh,stop you have been nagging for hours let me rest , and about the child I would never let him get hurt even it cost my life .Also,this matter won't be discussed again"Wen Ning saw his serious expression and just accepted it unwillingly.

Wei Ying then turned to Ayuan " okay my lovely baby let's go to our room"then he passionately picked him up and hugged him.Wei Ying was thinking desperately what things would be needed for him?After he saw Ayuan sleepy cute face ,he put Ayuan on the bed and lied beside him.actually his bed was suitable for more than one.He then kissed Ayuan's forehead softly " goodnight my little angel"

In the morning, Wei Ying woke up hardly as he wasn't used to getting up early.Woke Ayuan for shopping.As Ayuan did not have any cloth other than what he had ,he was already ready.After eating breakfast while being teased by wei ying , they finally left the house.

As they entered the cloth shops,Wei Ying would by as many as he liked.He didn't notice how much he had bought until he was holding with ayuan with his left hand and rest of the shopping on the right.He just sigh as he couldn't move any longer and was tired.

As he held his head down in frustration,he saw a pair of black stylish shoe.Then look upward to see his savor angel's face,lan zhan."wow what a coincidence lan zhan ,i am so fucking happy to see you here."He just noticed he sweared in front of Ayuan when he saw a frown on lanzhan'cold face.

As usual,when he made a mistake , his eyes turned into a puppy one and it worked on lanzhan successfully as his frown disappeared.
"I could appreciate if you led me a hand." When lan zhan was grabbing the stuffs from him ,accidentally he touched Wei Ying's palm.

Wei Ying grinned as he hold lan zhan's hand not letting him go purposefully.He knew lan zhan hated the contacts but he deliberately holds his hand.He was waiting for lan zhan's reaction that he would certainly pull out his hand quickly then glared at him deathly.

To Wei Ying's supprise ,lan zhan didn't pull out or glared ,just looked at Wei Ying for a moment into his eyes unknown to Wei Ying then started walking dragging the stunned Wei Ying behind himself.Wei Ying saw the slight smile on lan zhan
's face before it faded away and got a big shot .
Actually Wei ying's stunned smile was so cute and amusing that lan zhan couldn't do anything but smile.

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