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Lan zhan heared door's sound closing down.He picked up wei ying.Now wei ying was higher than him.Wei looked down to see his face properly.
"Put me down.I am heavy"wei ying asked lan zhan worriedly.
"No you are not at all heavy ,you should gain some weight,it is like i am holding a feather"
Lan zhan took him to bed and sat on bed.Wei ying was on his lap.Lan zhan asked him
"You must know i am always here for you.tell me everything you want i will prepare it for you.let me spoil you"lan zhan's words were full of i love you.
Wei ying passionately cupped his face, his hands were trembling a little "thank you lan zhan, never leave me please,I don't know what will i do without you."
Lan zhan nodded and changed the topic
"You tricked me a moment ago ,what will you do as a compensation ?"
Wei ying thought for a moment and told him
"I should apologize properly.can you close your eyes and give me a little time to prepare myself?"
Lan zhan closed his eyes.Wei ying's hands were already cupped his face,he leaned forward and matched his lip with lan zhan's.
Lan zhan felt soft lips against his own lips and opened his eyes.He put his hand back of Wei ying's head and pulled his head closer.lan zhan started biting his lips slightly then sucking it.Wei ying moaned into the pleasure then he noticed he just moaned unconsciously and blushed.He broke the kiss and covered his face with his own hands embarrassed.
"Wei ying" lan zhan knew why he was feeling embarrassed.But wei ying just shook his head and didn't remove them.Lan zhan licked back of his hands making wei ying show his face.Wei ying was truly a beautiful now that he was blushing he was just so beautiful to anyone's eyes.
Lan zhan just stared at him for a while then he kissed him furiously making him losing his mind.
There was a knock on the door and they two startled.
Jiang cheng opened the door and saw wei ying sitting on lan zhan's lap amd told him angrily
"Wei ying , you are not a child .Come out we are having dinner now if you be late i will break your legs."then he shot the door.
Lan zhan helped wei ying to stand up.Wei ying could feel that his legs couldn't support him and he wasn't able to walk and lan zhan has been taking care of him a lot,lan zhan should at least eat something.
"Lan zhan you go eat lunch with them i will stay here"
Lan zhan noticed he was lagging a little and couldn't stand properly.He knew wei ying was considering him thats why he asked to stay at room.His heart filled with love again for him.
As wei ying was sitting on the bed lan zhan called him "wei ying wait"
Lan zhan picked him up bridal style
"Wait lan zhan put me down what are you doing?"
Lan zhan took him like outside of the room.When they were reaching table wei ying told him to put him down as he was embarrassed.
Lan zhan didn't attend.Everyone saw them how caring lan zhan was for wei ying.They looked with smile but jiang cheng just twisted his face like usual.Lan zhan pulled a sit and put wei ying down gently while holding him.Wei ying's legs were trembling slightly as they didn't spare enery for standing properly.He hated his weakness that everytime his heart made him faint he couldn't do anything properly next day.He put his hand on the table used it as rest and sat with difficulty.
Lan zhan pulled the sit beside him and moved it closer to wei ying's.Wei ying picked the spoon to eat some soup but as he was taking soup up his hands were trembling and he was feeling ashamed.He put down his spoon and grabbed his own hands to calm the trembling.His heart was hurting a little even he had taken painkillers but they didn't calm his heart like before.lan zhan was observing him from start and saw his lover's face looked down and his trembling hands.He knew wei ying was ashamed and he would never trouble him so lan zhan put his hand under Wei ying's chin and raised it.Lan zhan kissed his forehead softely and took wei ying's spoon and fed him.
When wei ying saw lan zhan feeding him instead of eating himself he hurriedly said"lan zhan you eat first I don't have appetite."
"Wei ying i love doing everything for you even feeding you make me happy"lan zhan looked at him with those golden eyes full of love.
"Thanks lan zhan i am blessed to have you"wei said reflecting his love for lan zhan with his words.
Lan zhan kept feeding him slowly and wiping his mouth gently.After wei ying finished lan zhan kissed his forehead and asked him which one of the foods he want as there were variety of them.
Lan zhan fed him lovingly and during the time they were eating wei ying would talk near his ears making him blush.In return lan zhan talked close to him making wei ying giggle cutely.They were so lost in their own world that didn't notice the elders were looking at them.Lan qiren sighed"Wei ying really changed lan wangji he wasn't like this playfull ,breaking rules "
Leader jiang smiled back"wei ying is a miracle,i am blessed to have him but you can't do anything about him breaking rules ,he is a grand rule breaker he says rules are for breaking,you must increase your patient from this time as he would make lan wangji cooperate with him and break the rules"
After they finished , ayuan ran toward lan zhan and asked him cutely "papa, hug me"
Wei ying was surprised that ayuan called him papa so asked him"ayuan why are you calling him papa?"
Ayuan bend his head "You are my father and you will get married to him so he will be my papa"
Wei ying blushed when he said about marrying lan zhan but lan zhan smiled his brightest one and kissed Ayuan's head.Lan zhan felt happy thinking about marrying wei ying and having ayuan.

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