Mission 1

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Wei ying was staying for a while in the hospital.
Lan zhan went to send Ayuan home.Wei ying was in deep thought when he his mobile rang.
It was from headquarter,they would not use the headquarter number unless it was emergency.
"Leader,we have found out that the target would go out tomorrow it is a rare opportunity to talk with her."
"I will go tomorrow definitely,keep an eye on her"
Wei ying sighed .He should be discharged early.
Tomorrow was a critical day and he was nervous.
He wanted to believe in his mother.
When wei ying was kidnapped,jins hold him in a dark room he stayed for days until his mother came to see him.
Wei ying was happy that finally his family found him but his mother hugged him and told
"I am sorry my child,mother loves you but i should leave you,mother can not go with you.
They will send you to your father don't be afraid."
Wei ying remembered his mother told him while crying,then she left hurriedly.No matter how much wei ying cried and called her but she didn't turn back.
End of the flash back

Wei ying went straight to reception and asked for being discharged.They didn't allow him and called his family.His father had already ordered them if anything happened they would notify him soon.When leader jiang heared it he immediately reached there.He saw wei ying trying to convince them that he was fine and he wanted to ho home.
"Wei ying!!"he called wei ying as wei ying heared him he turned back "father!i want to be discharged already."
"No you should stay for few days"
"Please father i should discharge I don't want to stay anymore"wei ying somehow seemed nervous.leader jiang noticed that.He was suspicious wei ying would do something.
Wei ying did his best to persuade him finally he sighed and accepted.
"Okey i will do the discharge works go prepare."
"You want to discharge?"lan zhan interrupted them as he had come now.
"I can't stay here anymore,it is better i go home"
Wei ying looked with his puppy eyes to prevent from disapproval.
Lan zhan didn't say anything and went to wei ying's room.wei ying followed behind and called him"lan zhaan!lan zhaaan!"
Lan zhan entered the room and turned to him
"Wei ying i am worried about you"
"Lan zhan i am completely fine now i will rest at home,hmm?"wei ying kissed him immediately not letting him say no.Wei ying departed a little after a while,"okey, honey?"
Lan zhan sighed desperately as he couldn't resist against him.
Wei ying quickly got prepared and was ready.

Since coming home ,wei ying was so nervous.He dislike that he couldn't calm down .He didn't even go out of his room for lunch .He had nausea and was vomiting.He went frequently to bathroom and bend down ,vomiting.He was in such a bad condition that didn't notice jiang cheng and jiang yanli calling him,hitting the bathroom door.Jiang cheng forcefully broke the door and they found wei ying sitting in the cold floor , he was under shower ,soaked,his face was truly pale."wei ying!!"
"Wei ying!!"they called him numerously.Jiang yanli shouted down the shower while Jiang cheng picked wei ying up.Wei ying was so senseless to stand up.As his brother wanted to take him to a doctor,he refused.
"No!! Don't call a doctor!!!i am fine.I just had nausea.Please!"wei ying begged his brother.
Jiang cheng was angry that his brother would always try to hide everything not to worry others.
He hated this side of him that would not rely on anyone.They helped their brother to change his soaked cloth and let him rest.
Outside of wei ying's room
"He have nausea only when he is nervous so much!! Jiang yanli worriedly told him.
"He is up to something dangerous that got him so nervous but as always he doesn't say it.I am suspicious of him ,sister!" Jiang cheng explained.
"We should keep an eye on him"jiang cheng said.
Wei ying was starting to feel the pain all over his body.Definitely he got cold and his stomach was hurting so badly.He reminded himself that he should not miss tomorrow's opportunity.He slept from exhaustion.
Wei ying woke up feeling a hand patting his hair.
He opened his eyes to see shiji sitting beside him
.Another hand touched his forehead,the hand was cold and he shivered slightly.Jiang cheng was checking his temperature.
"You silly boy,you had a high fever and it has decreased a little,you should stay in bed for a few days !!"jiang cheng stared at him.
Wei ying just nodded his head and told them
"Thank you for taking care of me"
They both was shocked as they did expect him to start arguing with jiang cheng or joking around but there was a sadness in wei ying's eyes that froze them.Wei ying closed his eyes not to allow the tears stream on his face.Jiang cheng hugged him tightly "who dared to annoy you tell me,i will teach them a lesson ?"
Wei ying cried freely this time as he couldn't tell them what was the problem.Jiang yanli also hugged him from his other side.
"I am so-orry...give me...some time,i will tell you soon"
They stayed like that until wei ying fell sleep while crying.

Wei ying woke up early as he had slept enough but his body still hurt.He could feel his own heat.
There was a message from headquarter that the target went out of the mansion .There was a knock on the door then jiang yanli came in.
"Are you okey brother?"She checked his forehead."You still have a fever"
"I am fine shiji i feel better now that i saw you "
Wei ying acted like a cute boy.
His sister chuckled.wei ying asked her
"Shiji i want to rest till lunch time so i wanted you to take care of Ayuan and do not allow anyone come to my room for a while."
"Okey i won't let anyone disturb your resting but promise to rest well."shiji looked at him warmly.
"Thank you sister "
When jiang yanli went out,He immediately got prepared and got out of the room from window.
As he could not risk walking outside in front of others eyes.

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