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"He has a fever,i will take care of him"lan zhan said emphasized on the word I.
"I will get towel for you"wen ning told rushing.

A little while later,lan zhan sitting next to wei ying puting towel on his forehead.Few hours passed by lan zhan taking care of him.It was his first time taking care of anyone but he saw multiple times how his brother took care of him.

It was around 5 am that wei ying's fever dropped.lan zhan came forward put his forehead on wei ying's forehead to check his temperature,it was better. He then glanced at his lovely face and kissed his forehead passionately,his lips lingering on his forehead for a while.If he had the ability to stop the time he would want this moment forever.

Then he pulled  the cover that was on wei ying on himself and wei ying,pulling wei ying closely to his chest cautiously not to put pressure on his wounds.Definitely,it was the most relaxing night he had , feeling wei ying's warm body ,breathing wei ying's sweet scent.

Wei Ying woke up slowly by feeling pain on his waist.As he put his hand unconsciously on the wound, he accidentally pressed it hard making it start bleeding.he gasped at sudden pain,
breathing heavily and then stream of tears covering his face.He didn't want to make noise but lan zhan woke instantly as he hear his cry.

When lan zhan saw wei ying was crying in pain,eyes closed and his shirt was showing drops of red,he pulled his shirt upward,seeing his wounds have reopened.he hurriedly got out of the room seeing wen qing in kitchen.
"What happened?"
"Wei ying is awoke,he is in pain.come check him"
Wen Qing entered the room with bunch of medicine.She knew wei ying would be in lot if pain so she had prepared some pain reducer.

As wen qing was getting him bandaged lan zhan was rubbing wei ying's hand to comfort him meanwhile wiping his face.
Lan zhan helped wei ying sat down and put pillows at back of him so he would be comfortable.His right hand was on wei ying's fragile shoulder keeping him steady as wei ying didn't have any strength.Lan zhan got the medicine first.
"Wei ying open your mouth"lan zhan asking gently as putting the medicine in his mouth.
Wei Ying opened his mouth slightly causing lan zhan's hand to touch his lips.If he wasn't in pain he would certainly blush.

Then lan zhan hold water letting wei ying drink it slowly as wei ying's hand was trembling and couldn't hold the glass.when he was drinking he get his face a little wet.Lan zhan wiped his face gently as he was the most precious .

Wei ying rested his head against the pillows waiting impatiently to get rid of the pain.As the time passed the medicine effect was working and he was feeling less pain.
"Thank you wen qing i know you have a lot of work to do"wei ying told wen qing who was leaving the room.The door was closed.
"Thank you lan zhan sorry to get to trouble you"
"Wei ying is welcomed no need for thank you and sorry.should eat something"
"Oh yes i haven't eaten anything from yesterday evening,i am starving now badly"wei ying said while trying to stand but as he wanted to stand he felt dizzy,falling toward the ground that lan zhan caught him immediately preventing him from falling.His one arm wrapping around wei ying's waist,another hand around his neck.His chest against wei ying's head as he feared wei ying would hear his fast heartbeat.Wei ying was shocked and it was somehow awkward situation as he knew lan zhan didn't like touching anyone.he was waiting for lan zhan to push him but to his surprise:
"Be careful"lan zhan put wei ying gently on bed,covering him.
"Rest.i will get the food"lan zhan said while putting his palm on wei ying's cheek softly making him lan zhan saw him blushing and embarrassed his lips curved upward showing a faint smile.Wei ying stared at his smile as he couldn't believe lan zhan would smile in front of him.He lost how many times he was shocked by lan zhan since morning.
"Umm..okey" wei ying smiled awkwardly as he didn't know what should he do.

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