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Wen ning walked forward,feeling uneasy.Wei Ying noticed by a look that something was wrong.
After so many years of friendship by slight change on Wen ning's face, he could tell something was off.
"What's the matter?"
"Tonight master jiang will hold a party" wen ning paused to see wei ying's reaction.wei ying was calm on the outside,showing no sign of being annoyed that he should attend too.
"Okey i will go alone you stay and take care of Ayuan for me"
"But I want to accompany you , before you be my leader you are my friend I can't let you go alone."
"Thanks for your sincerity,you have always supported me my friend but please stay here and watch over Ayuan"
Wen ning reluctantly nodded his head and patted wei ying's shoulder to convey that you are not alone you have me.

Hours later
It was time for going.Wei Ying got dressed formally that showed his attractiveness.He got rid of his lenses and now his sky blue eyes were shining.His hair was always down on his forehead but this time he lead them backward showing his bare forehead.His pale white skin was in complete opposite of his black coat.He was going to go alone without a driver or anyone.
He reached in front of the great mansion.He knew this mansion right like his palm,a wave of memories floating in his mind.This mansion was the same but he wasn't the same person.He put his silver mask.It was this party's tradition that they would put masks but before entering they should confirm their identity.He put a fake smile and stand infront of the man checking the guest one by one and letting them enter.
After his identity was confirmed,the man bowed his head toward wei ying in respect as the young master of this mansion not too obviously to attract attention.
Wei Ying nodded his head and entered.As he got closer the noise was gotting louder, men and women dressed elegantly,some drinking ,some talking.Every guest was welcomed by the leader jiang (wei ying's original father) standing there handshaking with the grand clan leaders.He felt like the floor was holding his leg not letting him move,he looked down ,tried to force himself to stand against his father.A few steps ,he was standing against his father not to make it obvious he told like other guest:
"Thanks master jiang for inviting"He said master jiang not father.Leader jiang just looking at him coldly.It was a lot that he could even say those words,the air there was suffocating,making his heart uneasy.He moved immediately far away from them toward the garden.On his way he pumped into one of the guest accidentally.
"I apologize sincerely,I wasn't paying attention."
It was actually lan zhan that he had pumped to.
Lan zhan had frown on his face but as he heared wei ying's voice he paused and his frown faded away.Immediately,he looked up.
"Are you okey brother?"lan xichen asked his little brother seeing his pause.
"Yes,i should go"lan zhan said rushing toward the way wei ying had gone.Lan xichen was surprised that his brother would leave his side as lan zhan was coming everytime , standing in one place next to his brother, refusing other ladies dance,not showing interest in anything and the most shocking thing he was running as he always walk calmly.He was seeing new side of his little brother ,maybe his brother had finally found his loved one.

In the garden
Wei ying took out his mask ,trying to breath as his lungs and heart wouldn't accompany him.He didn't take his heart medicine again it was like he was punishing himself.He heared a footstep walking closer and closer.He showed no weakness and stook hardly.
"Stop being stubborn,come back home"leader Jiang's voiced reached his ears.After a second ,he was standing infront of wei ying.
"Home?Don't make me laugh .Home is where my mother is !where my brother is !where family's every member is there!not a cage for me!"Wei ying laughed awkwardly as he wasn't laughing but crying.
"I told you stop chasing after them don't go near jin group stop involving yourself with them but what did you do?!not even you didn't listen to me but collaborated with your brother"
"Why? Why should i let them walk freely when they made my brother's life like hell!What's the point to stay ,remain silent or you want me to watch them kill my family members one by one?!"His tears falling ,eyes bloodshot,shouting painfully.
His father could see the depth of the pain his son going through but he couldn't tell him the reason,his son wasn't prepared for another shock.leader jiang just closed his eyes,fists clenched trying calm himself.He was also hurting in his heart,how should he explain why he should not go near that group.
As he heared a little painful cry,he immediately opened his eyes to see wei ying bend down clenching his heart,face too pale.
"Wei ying!wei ying!"as he wanted to go to his son,wei ying shook his hand toward him stoping him from coming close.
"It is ...nothing,i am okey"He turned his back and walked away with difficulty.Not many people knew about his heart problem except few close ones.His father even did not know.How he could go after his son when he knew wei ying was avoiding him.Leader jiang came back inside informing his assistant to watch over wei ying as he wasn't feeling too good and investigate if he has a problem.

In the garden
As wei ying noticed that his father let him be alone and he was by himself now,there was no need to pretend he was tough.His heart was disobeying him,it wasn't the good time to start aching.As his pain grew more,he couldn't take it anymore and bend down clenching his heart.
Again,he heared footstep rushing toward him.He thought it was his father again
"I told you to stop!!let me go! I won't return!"
Wei ying shouted painfuly.But as he felt a familiar warm hands on his hand and another on his back he looked back and was shocked.

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