A day before attack

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Wei ying wanted to spend his day with Ayuan as he didn't want to miss this chance.
"Ayuan,let's go out, i will do whatever you want today my child"
"YES!!"Ayuan shouted as he was happy.
"Father, can't we go to see old uncle?He told me he will give me a beautiful plant so i can take care of it at home"
Wei ying was so emotional at hearing Ayuan acknowledging home.He was so thrilled that wiped his teary eyes and bend down in front of ayuan and kissed his forehead then hugged him warmly.
"Yes let's get the plants and keep them at home"
They went directly to uncle Qiren's shop.
As they entered "Don't you want a guest?"wei ying said cutely.Ayuan giggled at his fathers action.
"This shop always welcomes you"Uncle Qiren walked toward wei ying.
To uncle Qiren's surprise,wei ying hugged him as he knew he was a bit stiff old man.But everyone was trapped by wei ying's charming personality.
"You feel like my own child"uncle qiren patted his back.
"I can be your son, my father doesn't want me maybe you will take care of me instead of him"
Wei ying said laughing but it was the bitter truth.
"Which father doesn't want their child!?"
"Maybe mine"
Then wei ying changed topic "you promised little ayuan a plant and I requested for flowers for my sister , now we are here for delivering."wei ying pouted adorably.
"Okey okey i have prepared it there is no need for you to remind me" uncle Qiren showed them the flower and plants he had prepared.They gasped at its beautifulness.
"Wow uncle you are amazing"wei ying complimented him.
Uncle Qiren standing touching his beard proudly.
"My sister will love it for sure"wei ying said smiling at uncle qiren.
"How much does it cost?"wei ying taking his card.
"There is no need to pay , think of it as a gift for you" uncle qiren refused accepting.
"But you made a lot of effort on them I can't take it without paying anything please accept it"
Wei ying said stubbornly.
Uncle qiren saw his stubbornness and took his card.
After paying they spent some time with him.
"Uncle Qiren , tell me about yourself.How's your relationship with your nieces?"
"Thanks to you it's gotten better.At first I showed them warm greet they were shocked like a stone ,
you should have seen their faces."
Wei ying started laughing hardly that he couldn't stand anymore and bend down laughing after some time he was calmed.He controlled his laugh.
Wei ying sat beside uncle qiren and watched Ayuan looking at flowers enthusiastically.
A bitter smile lingered on his face that was not hidden from uncle qiren's eyes.
"Is there anything bothering you?"Qiren asked.
Wei ying stayed silent for a while "I may not be able to take care of him that's bothering me.It is not that I don't want but I don't have a choice.I couldn't even accept my love's feeling toward myself.Sometimes, reality is so cruel."
Wei ying said feeling his chest lightened a little by being able to talk to someone.
"I didn't know you had a lover"
Wei ying smiled at the thought of lan zhan being called his lover"I love him a lot but to be honest I didn't expect that he would love me too and due to some problems I couldn't respond to his feeling properly."
Uncle qiren patted his shoulder "life is full of high and downs , living in the moment is precious.
Wei ying sighed desperately but as he saw ayuan running toward him smiling, he masked his face with happy smile and walked toward him.He reached ayuan and hugged him.
"What does my lovely child want to show?"
"Father , come see this new flower"Ayuan dragged wei ying excitedly to show him new flowers.
They were walking around the lake when Ayuan's
stomach grumbled.Wei ying laughed at him.
This time wei ying's stomach grumbled.Wei ying stopped laughing,this time it was ayuan who was laughing wholeheartedly.wei ying pouted cutely.
"Let's go eat lunch "wei ying picked him up.
They ate in restaurant nearby and wei ying fed him parently.
It was time to visit his sister and maybe his father from far away.He needed to introduce his child to his shijji.
They stood in front of the Jiang mansion.The man at entrance saw him and bowed.She went straight to his sister's room,signinh the waiter not to tell his sister.He wanted to surprise her.He
knocked on the door hearing his sister's voice but he didn't respond on purpose.Jiang yanli frowned why no was responding.She went to the door , frozed when she saw wei ying with a child in his embrace.
"Shijji!!!"wei ying said enthusiastically.
She got out of shock "who is this child?"
"My child"wei ying said excitedly.
"When did you married "
"NOO!!!i haven't married, i have adopted him"
"I have something important to tell you"wei ying got serious.
She told her waiter to take care of ayuan to make space for his brother.
"Tomorrow jiang cheng will attack their headquarter.I got all information from jin zixuan.
As you already know he loves you and he doesn't want to side with his father as he disapproves their actions.He will scape when we attach them.
Shijji i know you love him too, it is trur I don't like that boy much but he truly appreciates you so i hope you can be happy with him.He will come to meet you in my house.wait for us there.
If anything happens to me i hope you would take care of him."wei ying said with teary eyes.
Yanli hugged his brother and patted his hair.
After a while as wei ying remembered something he blushed"um...shijji I wanted to tell you something else....(he is blushing more)i lo-ove someone and he loves me too...he confessed yesterday...but I couldn't respond to his feeling
appropriately and i told him that i will answer him next week...(it was hard for him to continue)
If I can't come back tell him not to wait anymore
his name is lan wangji but he let's me to call him lan zhan here his number."wei ying finished talking and was stepping outside yanli's room when heared Ayuan's crying.

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