Chapter 46

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Wei ying was talking with mother alone in lan zhan's room.
"What changed your mind?"
"When you went with him I told your siblings and your father everything.Your sister told me from the time you told her about lan zhan.They said all of the problems you both had and stayed together,your father told me that at first he hadn't agreed but after seeing his behavior toward you he changed his mind,he told me lan wangji would do anything for you I didn't believe it until today he came to see us alone.He knelt and begged me to let you two stay together.He told me he can't make it hard for you by making you choose between his family and him.He said that you were in pain.He also told us that his pride doesn't matter when it is about you.I noticed that moment he was truly caring for you and loved you but I told him I will observe him if he doesn't treat you well I will take you away."
Madam jiang was caressing his son while telling him everything.
"Thanks mother!thanks for giving us a chance!"
Wei ying looked grateful.
"I will go out now!I suppose you want to talk with him!" Madam jiang told her already knowing the answer.
"Yes,of course!"wei ying answered boldly.
Wei ying laughed.Madam jiang smiled back at him.
She went outside of the room seeing lan zhan standing there looking at the door.
"Son go inside he wants to talk to you!"
Lan zhan was surprised hearing her calling him son .
"You won't go inside?!" Madam jiang saw him froze there.
"I will go now!"
"Wait!I remembered now!"
Lan zhan looked at her waiting for her .
"Please don't show affection in public or kiss each other in front of us!"
"I will try mother!" Lan zhan boldly answered her.
Madam jiang didn't oppose him calling her mom and just nodded her head.
Lan zhan entered and saw wei ying waiting for him.wei ying opened his arm,lan zhan knew exactly what he wanted and melted him in his embrace.
"Mom told me what you did for me today,thank you lan zhan !"
Lan zhan pulled back and kissed his lips hungrily.Battle between their tongues had started and lan zhan was touching every corner of his mouth.He pulled back a little not breaking the kiss and started biting wei ying's lips.
"This one is because you didn't tell me you were worried (lan zhan bit his bottom lip making it bled)...this one is for coming out of house today not wearing warmly(he bit another part)...this one is for making me worried.." lan zhan continued telling him reasons and biting him .
Every time he bit he earned a moan from wei ying making him eager to bit more.
"Ah no lan zhan it hurts!"Wei ying moaned when he received another one on his lips.Lan zhan stopped biting his lips and started licking and sucking the bleeding parts.Wei ying felt the pain going as he sucked the hurt parts.Wei ying pulled lan zhan's head closer "I want more"
Lan zhan entered his tongue to his mouth intensely kissing him taking the soul out of his body.It seemed it wasn't enough he pulled up wei ying's T-shirt and took it out.First he licked a part of his neck and bit it earning another pleasing moan from wei ying.His teeth place was marked on his pale skin.Lan zhan sucked it until it was bruised and kissed it gently before moving on other part if his neck.when he finished his neck he looked at the marks on wei ying's neck proudly smiling.
"Yes you should smile!Lan zhan!What i am gonna do with this marks?!"
"You are mine!I can do as i like!"
"Lan zhan if you say like that i can't oppose you anymore!"
He kissed wei ying's lips and then moved to his beautiful chest.Lan zhan kissed wei ying's wound first gently numerous time.Then he bite right side of his chest marking him.Lan zhan liked marking him all over but due to his especial condition he couldn't do more.He had saved all of the rest ones for another time especial for both of them.When lan zhan was satisfied with his masterpiece he let go of him and helped wei ying put on something that covered him more.
They went outside of the room.Lans and jiangs were going to have lunch here then jiangs were leaving to home.
Wei ying picked up ayuan as soon as he entered.
"How is my child?"wei ying kissed his cheek.
"When i see father i am good!"ayuan cutely said.
Wei ying chuckled hearing him talking sweetly and couldn't resist kiss him repeatedly.
"Ah father!it tickles!Ayuan was laughing while trying to stop his father.
Wei ying finally let him go and went to sit with everyone around the table.He bend over to put ayuan on his chair.
"Father?what happened to you?!"
"Here!"Ayuan pointed to one of the red marks y was hiding under his cloth but as he bend over it was seen.Wei ying turned to jiang cheng sitting on the other side of Ayuan "what is here?" pointing to his neck.
Jiang cheng slammed wei ying's head"idiot,they are all red marks , please don't show these things in public or i will break your leg next time!"
Jiang cheng growled as his brother was an idiot.
Wei ying blushed immediately and sat back quietly.Lan zhan's face was like always showing no emotion but his ears were red.

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