Let me enter your life

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Wei Ying noticed lan zhan's change of mood and smiled awkwardly to him before turning toward the little boy"hey my little baby what's your name?"the child paused a little " i am ayuan" little boy whispered cutely that made Wei Ying kiss his left cheek."where is your home can you tell me?"

The little boy just bended his head to left and said "what's home?"wei ying asked in different way"where do you live or sleep?Do you have a family?mother or father?
"At the streets ,Ayuan is lonely"when Wei Ying heared that he felt his heart was going to explode the way it was hurting.

He couldn't control himself and stream of tears already started falling as he was hugging Ayuan tightly and putting Ayuan's head on his chest.Wei Ying's arms were wrapped around Ayuan as he was protecting him from everything and didn't want to let him out for a second.

Lan zhan has never imagined this cheerful boy cry as he always has smile on his face.By the time he saw Wei Ying cry innocently he wrapped his arms around Wei Ying softly as Wei Ying was holding Ayuan.At the time something broke in lan zhan's heart maybe that wall he had drawn around his heart , blocking anyone to enter his heart.

Lan zhan started patting his right hand on wei ying's back to comfort him.It was somehow effective as wei ying stopped crying and was suprised by lan zhan.After a while,he was calmed down and moved slightly to make lan zhan loosen his hugging.

Wei Ying whispered shyly"thank you"
"No problem"lan zhan said.Wei Ying moved Ayuan's face a little bit further away and asked him softly"little Ayuan ,do you allow gege to enter your life and protect you?Do you want me to be your family and you be my family?"

Little Ayuan paused a little to understand his words then looked into wei ying's eyes "yes i want you" Wei Ying smiled wildly and hugged him again.Wei Ying said energetically "let's go home my love,i promise to look after you for my life"
Wei Ying turned toward the lan zhan who was hearing all of them " lan zhan we should bid goodbye hear see you tomorrow "before he could leave ,lan zhan grabbed his hands and pulled him behind himself.Wei Ying was shocked and couldn't even react so followed him while holding Ayuan.

They reached a expensive car and lan zhan opened the door for them to enter.Wei ying sat down curiously while he was watching inside the car.As the driver's door shot down , Wei Ying get out of his thoughts."give me your home's address"lan zhan asked as he was looking to wei ying's eyes."oh poor lan zhan you have fallen for me and want my address"Wei Ying responded teasingly."nonsense,address"Lan zhan told him as he couldn't take his words anymore.

Wei Ying gived him the address and on their way Wei Ying started teasing lan zhan and Ayuan.laughing freely and loudly as nothing was important.Meanwhile, his laugh sound was so pleasant to lan zhan's ears.It wasn't that much traffic and they reached to the destination after a while.

Wei Ying hold Ayuan toward lan zhan and said "say goodbye to this gege"unexpectedly Ayuan hugged lan zhan slowly "now you hug him too"Ayuan asked wei ying simply.Wei Ying face was so funny as he was suprised by Ayuan's word that it even made lan zhan smile slightly.

"Uhh lan zhan,how can you smile now"Wei ying pouted cutely.He was trying to divert Ayuan's attention from hugging lan zhan cause Ayuan was insisting "why you don't hug this gege?"
Suddenly, lan zhan came forward and hugged Wei Ying,holding one hand on his back and another on wei ying's smooth hair.Wei Ying leaned shocked toward him and his head was on lan zhan's broad  chest.Wei Ying felt strange his heart was beating fast as it would pop out of his chest anytime .He got confused and withdrew himself from the warm chest quickly.

He was feeling strange and couldn't do anything just to laugh awkwardly to change atmosphere.
"Bye see you tomorrow " Wei Ying told as getting out of the car abruptly with Ayuan.

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