I am afraid!!!

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Wei ying looked passionately into his eyes.
Everyone had already left them alone.
"Lan zhan! I love you!I promise to tell you the truth,just don't be mad at me and don't ignore me! It breaks my heart!"wei ying hugged him , crying quietly.

"Wei ying should promise something!"
"What?"wei ying pulled back to looke into his
golden eyes.
"Get under surgery before the mission "
"But lan zhan.....I can do it after mission!!!!"
"Before mission and as soon as possible , I can't lose you or maybe you don't love me anymore!" lan zhan told hurt.
"No lan zhan don't be like this!You know i love you!" wei ying sighed"Okey i will do it"
Wei ying was worried about his mother and his worried face wasn't concealed from lan zhan's eyes.
"Tell me"
"My mother,I am worried about her!I want to save her!I want to introduce you to my mother!If she sees you she will like you too!"wei ying told him teasingly.Lan zhan blushed thinking about introducing himself as wei ying's boyfriend to his mother.

Wei ying was told to stay more in hospital but as he as usual hated it so he was discharged sooner as he knew he would come back again for surgery soon.Lan zhan was staying in jiang mansion with wei ying.When they reached home declared to them that wei ying would get under surgery .
They saw that wei ying didn't disapprove with his words.They surely knew wei ying could not bear to opposite lan zhan and upset him so he was agreeing with him.
Wei ying spent his days with ayuan and lan zhan fully until the day of surgery.His brother and father was working on their mission with help of lan xichen who offered a hand.Lan zhan was focused on wei ying entirely enjoying every moment with him and ayuan.
In this while they had found him a heart that had  possibility can be accepted by his body.But it was a hard surgery and had its own risk.
Before he got hospitalized,wei ying visited his sister .
"Uh shiji how are you doing?"
"As usual.Where is lan wangji?he is always with you"
"Lan zhan went to hospital to do some of its paper works"wei ying paused"can i hug you sister?"
Jiang yanli was surprised that his brother was asking permission to hug her.She opened his arms and wei ying hugged her tightly as it was his last time.
"I love you sister never forget that....If-If I can't make out of their alive i want you to look after ayuan,don't let him feel lonely" wei ying cried as he was afraid he maybe couldn't see them anymore.Jiang yanli hugged him back as she wanted to speak another voice interrupted her.
"You dumb,I will break your leg if you speak like that you will surely make it out"jiang cheng told with teary eyes as he had been listening to them from the first.
Wei ying pulled back and looked at his brother's eyes.He would definitely miss jiang cheng.
He unconsciously whispered "I will miss you"
His siblings had heared him and jiang cheng immediately walked toward him and hugged him as tightly as he could.Jiang yanli also hugged them two.
"Don't talk shit!!!!!Don't say like you will die!!!!!!I will break your legs!!!!!"jiang cheng cried wholeheartedly.
"Wei ying you can do it,we will wait for you!!"she tightened her hug.
Wei ying also cried loudly as he has been holding back"I don't want to die and leave you!I am scared!I am scared I can't see you two ,my father , my mother, ayuan and lan zhan too!I had found my happiness but it seems that life doesn't allow me to stay happy anymore !I don't have faith i will make it out alive!I don't want to leave you.I love you two.You both were always by my side !What if I can't see you anymore I don't want it I am scared!!!I am scared!!! "
They hold each other like that for a while crying innocently,not letting go.
"You both promise me that you will be there for ayuan!!"wei ying told them he should have told them no matter how hard it was for them.
"We don't promise !!!you will come alive and will take care of ayuan yourself.You should!!" Jiang cheng told him not promising him.
Jiang yanli also nodded his head agreeing with jiang cheng.
Wei ying went to his father after that.He knocked on the door and entered when he heared his father let him.Wei ying sat on chair beside his father's table.
"Wei ying!I am happy to see you visit this old man"
"Father!I just wanted to talk with you" maybe for the last time he didn't told the rest.
"Say i am all ears"
"I wanted to apologize for not being a competent son for you,i bothered you a lot .I am sorry for everything,when you save her tell mom that i love her and i am sorry !"wei ying was looking down to the ground not showing his teary eyes.
Leader jiang saw his actions and was worried why wei ying was talking like that.He stood and got near him and sat beside him raising his face to see his teary eyes.
"Why are you talking like you are saying your goodbye?!Leader jiang nervously grabbed his hands.
"Father i was blessed to have you"wei ying talked.
"Thanks for looking after me all this year-"
"I love you father-"
"Also mother,I hope you treat ayuan like my own real chil-"
A fierce slap stopped him.Wei ying's talked was stopped and sound of the slapped was loud enough to be heard for lan zhan ,jiang cheng and jiang yanli who were staying behind the door listening to them.Jiang cheng was helding lan zhan not to break through the word but as they heard the sound and silence they were shocked enough to open the door and enter hurriedly.
One side of Wei ying's face was red and his father's slap was obvious on his face.His eyes were teary.Leader jiang was also crying.leader jiang hugged his son like he was a little child afraid.
"Nothing will happen to you and you will be alive you aren't allowed to talk like that again.you must know this do you understand???!!!Leader jiang forcefully wanted to make his son understand.He repeatedly whispered to him
"You will be fine i won't allow anything happen to my child"
Wei ying remained silent as his soul was already dead he deserved that slap he wasn't a good child for him.He hated himself how weak he was.He cried quietly as his father was holding him whispering he will be safe.When his father felt wei ying hugging him back tighter then after a while feeling wetness on his chest,he pulled back from wei ying seeing him looking desperate.His son had lost his hope he could see fear in wei ying's eyes.
Leader jiang grabbed his shoulder.
" you will be fine do you understand??" Waited for wei ying's response.
Wei ying remained silent and cried innocently making his heart break.
"Wei ying!"leader jiang was waiting for even a slightest sign from him.
Wei ying opened his mouth whispering "i am afraid father!"
Leader jiang hugged him again holding his head as protecting him "Don't be afraid !father is here!
You are not alone !I will save you no matter what even i would fight against the fate."leader jiang sobbed while talking.
"I don't want to die! I don't want to leave you!"
Wei ying cried wholeheartedly.
"You won't die!you must be strong!your mother won't forgive me if anything happens to you!You should personally say to her that you love her!"
Leader jiang hugged him for a while but it didn't had any effect on him ,he was feeling that something bad will happen tomorrow.Lan zhan walked toward them as he had reached his limit.
Leader jiang pulled back to see his children and lan zhan .

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