Chapter 12

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As he looked back,wei ying was shocked to see lan zhan.
"Does your heart ache?where is your medicine?"
Lan zhan talking wave of worry could be heared.
"At home"wei ying gasped hardly.
"Let's go now"lan zhan said while puttung arm under wei ying's kneel gently ,another around his back firmly.This happened for wei ying so suddenly that he couldn't understand for a moment what was happening.From other side he felt the sharp pain inside his chest.

Lan zhan carring wei ying bridal style hurriedly, passing by the men standing at entrance.As the men knew who was being carried as they wanted to stop them lan zhan calls his brother "i am at entrance i should go out quickly,they don't allow me ,brother i need your help" lan xichen noticed nervousness in his brother's voice,coming quickly to entrance.He was surprised to see lan zhan holding a boy ,trying to pass the men and saw that always calm lan zhan gotten angry.

As lan zhan saw his brother"BROTHER!!"
Lan zhan shouted his brother name ,now he could take wei ying home.
"I will deal with them you go first"lan zhan nodded his head appreciately.
Lan zhan hurried toward his own car,driving fastely in direction of wei ying's they reached ,he took half unconscious wei ying, crying in pain,ringing the bell nonstoply.

Wen ning opened the door to anxious lan zhan.
"His heart aches!where is his drugs????"
Wen ning rushed to wei ying's room searching the room,finally finding his medicine.Lan zhan put wei ying on sofa,getting the medicine and water from nervous wen ning.

"Wei ying!take this medicine!"lan zhan fed him the medicine and made him drank the water.
Then they let him stay like that for a while.The medicine was showing itself ,reducing his pain.
Lan zhan took a cover and put it on asleep wei ying.He was relaxed to see wei ying's facial face muscles were back to normal.His face was so innocent and cute when he was asleep but as he woke he would turn to naughty little boy.He bend down a little kissed wei ying's forehead automatically.After he noticed wen ning was here and what he had down infront of him,his ears were red but there wasn't any change on his face.

He rushed outside saying"i need to make a call"
He called his brother ,waiting patiently for him to answer.
"Lan zhan what happened?who was that boy?"
" brother i can not tell now ,i wanted to say I won't come home tonight "
"Is it because of that boy?"
No response was given.
"Okey i will make an excuse for you,be careful"
" thanks brother"lan zhan said sincerely.

lan zhan came back , sitting beside wei ying on the floor,resting his head on the sofa and grabbing Wei ying's hand into his hand.Actually his heart was beating so fast when he saw wei ying in that condition, but it was enough for him to hold his pale little hand( compared to lan zhan's big palm) feeling safe.

lan zhan thought about tonights events before falling asleep.He didn't know who was wei ying but he had heared Wen ning calling him wei ying accidentally.He found out master jiang was wei ying's father as there weren't much information about them.On top of them,he noticed wei ying's eyes were sky blue.It was the most beautiful puppy eyes he has ever seen.But it was strange for him why wei ying faked his name,
Put on lenses attending university with fake identity.He would wait for wei ying to open his heart for him and tell him the reason.

Leader jiang's assistant informed him that wei ying was taken by lan clan's second son hurriedly.
He knew lan clan wouldn't harm or kill anyone and sent few men to observe them.He was informed that lan wangji and wei ying was currently in wei ying's temporary house.But no information was found about wei ying's health problem.

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