Dog boys

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At night,song law came as he was told.He stopped in front of the small house and stared at door curiously.He calmed himself and rang the bell.Cheerful wei ying opened the door as he was waiting for his arrival."Hiii song law" wei ying said with wide smile on his face."hello sorry to trouble you" song lan told him shyly.

He entered completely while observing his surroundings.It was an old house with broken furnitures.Actually he didn't expect them to live in such kind of place.But it was expectable as their cloths weren't from brands just a normal clothes.

Before Song Law arrival,Wen Ning tried his best to convince Wei Ying not to trust easily to this guy but Wei Ying just turned a blind eye to him.
Wei Ying told him to go training for a couple of months to the address written in a paper and say that he was sent by the wei ying by showing his sign to prove himself.

Song law was doubting until he found out that all of them were true.As he saw some muscular guys who guided him as they heared the word wei ying .He started his life again by staying with them and taking the training.

Meanwhile,in the campus Wei Ying was eating his lunch eagerly while talking with Wen Ning.
Suddenly some random boy with that bad looks interrupted them.The leader of them grabbed wei ying's sandwich and threw it on the floor while squashing it with his leg slowly.

Wei Ying was controlling himself not to kill him.Some students were whispering that how unlucky they were to be the new target of that "evil" group.Those boys were dogs of the evil group who would mess with anyone as they liked and exept for some guys no one would dare insult them.Wei ying was thinking about his main reason for entering here so he just tolerate that by fisting his hands not to say a word.

They watched as they emptied their bags on the floor then the dog boys smirked and went away.
Wei Ying whispered "It is unforgivable you will know not to mess with me".lan wangji was passing just as he saw the show then he returned indifferently and walked away.

Later , the professor was giving his speech about the new design work that should be done by pairs of student.They were divided by chance into groups.Wei Ying was trying to find his teammate by the number written on his paper.He then noticed lan wangji who walked like he was a prince toward him and showed him the number silently.

Unlike wei ying lan wangji wasn't that kind of guy to be talkative and he would talk just a few word with that cold face of his.Wei Ying said happily as he had found his teammate"hi i would be happy if we could finish this task properly i hope you would collaborate with.He just received a cold stare from him.He smiled awkwardly as he saw his reaction.

That night Wei ying and Wen Ning decided to teach that dog boys some lessons.After some research they noticed that the dog boys wanted to steal some stuffs from a store.It was brave of the dog guys to enter the "black king"territory and steal stuffs.But unfortunately wei ying had plans for them.

Wei Ying and Wen Ning changed their appearance back as they were wereing a mask to cover their face.Both guys were in black clothes with their guns hidden in their clothes.Tonight it is the time for the show.

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