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"Uncle ,why are you sad?you can tell me .If i can help you,i would definitely do it for you"
Uncle Qiren smiled at his kindness and told him
" I don't have a child but i have grown up my two nieces like my own child.I didn't give them enough love and i was so strict with them as you know i am a person who would obey the rules,when i saw you I understood maybe i should have showed affection toward them more,
They may not say but they probably won't like me"

Wei ying patted his shoulder"It is maybe true that you should have showed  your love toward them but i am sure they appreciate it that you have taken care of them,they thought it was enough for them you didn't leave them and was by their side.There is still time for changing ,show them that you love them and you care about them,also about rules ,are not rules made for being broken?"wei ying joked the last sentence and chuckled.

Wei ying's words were like a healer for his wounded heart as he even wasn't sure if he could do anything now.He got inspired by his words and smiled back"you are a good listener,your family must be proud of you for having a child like you"
Wei ying just faked a smile when he thought of his family.

Then they continued playing this time uncle Qiren joined them and he would laugh freely like wei ying and Ayuan .He noticed he had lived a wrong way by being so strict on himself and his surroundings.After some hours,wei ying decided to farewell with him cause he wanted to show Ayuan the park.

Uncle Qiren lead them outside
"Come visit this old man anytime ,i would be happy"
"Sure uncle i will visit with ayuan again soon"
Then wei ying grabbed Ayuan's hand and walked toward the park.They sat on a bench near the lake and used the good view it had.Ayuan sat on his lap and put his head on his chest,listening to his father's heartbeat.Wei ying's hand was wrapped around him tightly ,showing him affection.

After some time ,Ayuan was yawning sleeply .It was obvious that he was exhausted.Wei ying hugged him and decided to buy the stuffs another time .He walked toward the home while hugging ayuan.It was somehow wasn't good for his heart to carry heavy thing or overdo exercise but none of them matter he would ignore the pain for his beloved child.

Lan zhan was observing his subordinates reports when his brother knocked the door.His brother opened the door and sit on one of the couches ,lan zhan left  the report there and sat infront of his brother."brother is there a problem?"
"No  lan zhan ,i wanted to inform you that uncle has invited us to dinner"
"Mn"lan zhan answered.
"Brother"lan xichen called.
When lan zhan looked directly at his brother,he noticed that he should give some explanation about yesterday.

"Who was that boy?"lan xichen asked curiously.
"His name is wei ying.He is leader Jiang's child,  he was not feeling good so i took him out."
"What's your relationship with him?"
"We are friends currently " lan zhan frowned when he was saying friends then he was deep jn thought that he wanted to be more than friends with him.
"Let me change my question,what is he to you?"
Lan xichen smiled teasingly as he could guess due to his behavior recently,his brother has become more lively although his face didn't show much emotion but he could tell as he was recite his brother's behavior.
Lan zhan paused,he had thought about this question a lot and knew the answer.The more he thought about wei ying ,he was more determined to get him.but sitting hear and saying that infront of his brother was embarrassing for him however it would be better if his brother knew so he could support them.
"Soulmate,my other half,my future life partner "
This word came out steadily from lan zhan's mouth.Lan xichen didn't even tried to hide  his smile , he was proud of his brother ,his brother was grown to find himself a soulmate.
"So when i can see BROTHER-IN-LAW?"lan xichen asked emphasizing on brother-in-law .
Lan zhan blushed when he heared the word brother-in-law.A beautiful smile appeared on his face that was one of those rare smiles and he chuckled.Lan xichen was surprised to see that smile and his brother's laugh .A person who was always cold and didn't show any emotion now was smiling infront of him freely .
"Tell me more about him.How is his personality?"Older brother asked.
"He is so cheerful guy,he is beautiful,kind,warm hearted,like an angel no more than an angel,perfect boy,he is my life's miracle but I am not sure  if he would accept me or not"lan zhan said last part sighing sadly.

Lan xichen patted his hand on lan zhan's knees
"Have faith he would like you ,try to persude him,
I will support you "lan xichen assured him.
Lan zhan suddenly stand up from his sit and hugged his brother "thank you brother for always being there for me"
Lan xichen was surprised as his brother would rarely hug anyone but it was a new change .He reminded himself to thank wei ying later.He truly was a miracle as his brother described.

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