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Wei ying would visit lan zhan every day or lan zhan picking him and ayuan to go outside.One day lan zhan waited for wei ying to come as they had agreed to meet at lan mansion but wei ying was late.Lan zhan got worried,lan xichen saw his nervousness and told him"He will come soon don't worry maybe they are stuck in traffic."lan xichen tried to assure him.
Lan zhan called his mobile but there wasn't any answer now both of them were worry.
"Let me call jiang cheng"lan xichen dialed his number.
"Yes.."jiang cheng's voice was lost in loud speaking.
"Where are you?why doesn't wei ying answer his mobile?"lan xichen asked anxiously.
"At hosptial"
"What?hospital?"lan xichen became more anxious.When lan zhan heared his brother saying hospital he immediately sat beside him to listen.
"We took wei ying here"jiang cheng shouted with difficulty between those fusses.
"Which hospital?"
"I will send the address?"
Lan zhan hurriedly got up and ran toward the car.lan xichen sat in the car and they drove fast there.

wei ying prepared ayuan and they got out of the room.Ayuan was running ahead of wei ying.As they were approaching stairs wei ying warned him"ayuan wait for me don't run like that you may slide"
But Ayuan didn't attend ,ran and stood on the edge of stairs.Stairs were slippery as they have been cleaned and were little wet.Ayuan didn't know and stood on the edge of stair as usual but he slipped ,and was falling those long stairs.He would definitely broke his legs.jiang yanli's scream calling ayuan made wei ying alarmed and he quickly catched ayuan into his hug and sheltered him as they were falling those stairs.Wei ying could feel pain all over himself as he was hitting sharp edge of stairs and could hear jiang cheng and jiang yanli calling his name.He didn't know anything but to hug ayuan not anything happens at him so his one hand was on Ayuan's head protecting it.Finally he reached to the ground and hit the floor but he was cautious that ayuan wasn't under him and he was safe.
He heared steps around himself and his hands around ayuan being loosened by someone.Wei ying could feel ayuan taken away from him and heared his crying while jiang yanli calling his name sobbing and jiang cheng asking him to open his eyes.Then he heared another step closing to him and calling his name it was his father's surely but he couldn't open his eyes as they were closing .
"Wei ying open your eyes !!!"
"Wei ying!!!"
"Wei ying""
Wei ying gathered all his strength and opened his eyes to find ayuan.
" ..he...okey?"wei ying asked with difficulty as his head was hurting so badly.
Ayuan sut beside him "Father!!!I am sorry,It is all my fault "ayuan was crying wholeheartedly.
Wei ying turned to him and raised his hand to touch his face.
"Ayuan don't cry child ..i am ok-key father...
is okey,it isn't your faul- "wei ying tried to calm him despite the pain that he couldn't endure anymore and then his hand fell and he was unconscious.Jiang cheng called ambulance worriedly.jiang yanli hugged crying ayuan and tried to calm him down"it is not your fault he will be fine okey don't cry anymore!"jiang yanli talked with him softely.The ambulance came and took him to hospital .Jiang cheng drove the car closely following behind with his father beside and his sister and ayuan on the back sits crying.
They hurriedly got out of the car and saw wei ying being taken with trolley.The doctors checked him and told "who is his family?"
Jiangs came forward worriedly."we are"
"What happened to him?
"He fell from stairs"
The doctor said"he hit his head but fortunately there isn't major problem with his head and one of his hand is broken .His body's exhausted due to being hit numerously , there will be some bruises on his body and he had lost his conscience because of immense pain he felt."
It was a while and They were talking with doctor asking further when jiang cheng's mobile rang .He went out to answer ,it was lan xichen.He told them the address of hospital.
He went in to see wei ying lying unconscious and his head was bandaged and they were know bandaging his broken hand,the hand that he hold Ayuan's head.His brother was definitely a good father.He then went to pay the hospital.jiang yanli took ayuan beside wei ying so maybe he would calm down.Ayuan touched his father's face with his small hands softely and called him"father!father!"
Wei ying could hear Ayuan's voice calling him.He moved his finger and jiang yanli saw it.
"Wei ying!!!can you hear me?"jiang yanli called jiang cheng quickly.
Ayuan kissed his father's cheek"father!!father!"
Wei ying opened his eyes slightly "Ayuan chil-ld  you arr-re okey?"
Ayuan nodded his head while crying.
Wei ying said "thanks god.. you are okey wha-at should I do...if something happens to you?"
Wei ying tried to open his unbroken arm and hold it around ayuan sitting beside him"come here let me hug you my child"
Ayuan happily hugged his father and put his head on wei ying's chest.Wei Ying's hand tightened around him, holding him closely.
Ayuan continued crying"father it was my fault i am sorry because of me you fell"
Wei ying felt the pain in his broken hand but tolerated it and patted Ayuan's head"ayuan!nothing is your fault ,i am your father i should protect you all the time."wei ying talked softely.
Lan zhan ,lan xichen , Jiang cheng and jiang yanli opened the door hurriedly.As jiang cheng was about to talk loudly wei ying gestured him that ayuan is sleeping.Jiang cheng shout down quickly and talked slowly this time"Are you okey?"he asked concerned

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