Chapter 44

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Wei ying slept till afternoon as he needed more rest than usual.While he was asleep lan zhan told his brother and uncle everything.
"I will solve this problem myself!uncle!brother! I will go and talk with his mother now,you take care of wei ying"
Lan xichen looked worried "Do you want me to come with you?"
"Thanks brother but please take care of wei ying when i am not here!"
Lan Qiren patted his shoulder"I support you!!"
Lan zhan"thanks uncle"

Lan zhan drove directly to jiang mansion.When he entered he saw jiang cheng and jiang yanli.
"Welcome lan wangji!how is brother?"jiang yanli asked her worried as they knew what had happened.
"He is resting!" Lan zhan politely answered her.
Jiang cheng also nodded his head"welcome!"
This siblings had already accepted lan zhan for wei ying and they also thought lan zhan really loved wei ying and truly cared for him.
"Why did you come here?!" A voice from upstairs grabbed their attention.Madam jiang was coming down stairs with leader jiang behind her.
Lan zhan greeted his father in law "hello father!"
Leader jiang also greeted him back warmly
Madam jiang frowned more.
"I have come here to convince you let us stay together!wei ying is obviously in pain!I can't bear see him like that!" Then lan zhan kneeled infront of her shocking them.
"I beg you let us stay together I swear on my life I will take good care of him.Please!I can't put him in condition that he choose between me and his family!"
Everyone was shocked even madam jiang she didn't expect lan wangji kneel infront of him and beg her for her permission.Jiang cheng and jiang yanli grabbed him and tried to make him stand up.Leader jiang also told him"Stand up please! Don't kneel" he even came forward to help him.
Lan zhan refused"I have come here for wei ying! I can't let him be in the pain anymore.It is the least i can do for him!My pride doesn't matter infront of him.please let us be together!"
Madam jiang saw his determination and she was told by his husband and children about how much lan zhan cared for his son and they loved each other.And now that seeing lan wangji even putting aside his pride for wei ying she had changed her view and accepted them.
"Stand up!"
Lan zhan looked up.
"I will observe you for a while ,If i see you aren't treating him well i will take him away"Madam jiang somehow showed her approval but under the condition of observing his behavior.
Lan zhan stood up "Thank you !I will never forget your kindness!"
Madam jiang just nodded his head.
"Wei ying had asked for ayuan!"lan zhan told her.
"Okey we will take him with us!"Madam jiang said.
"We will come with you to the lan mansion.You don't expect me to let him stay there forever?"
Lan zhan nodded his head as understanding.
All of them with Ayuan in lan zhan's embrace went there.They parked infront of lan mansion to see wei ying getting out of there ,cloth untidy and messy hair while his brother and uncle trying to talk to him.

A while ago -lan mansion
Wei ying got up to see lan zhan not by his side.
Maybe lan zhan went out of the room.wei ying thought.He stood and walked to living room seeing lan xichen and lan qiren there.
"Hello uncle qiren! Hi xichen-gege !"
"Good afternoon !"
"Good afternoon wei ying!"
They greeted him warmly.Wei ying smiled at them.
"Wei ying come eat something."lan xichen guided him to kitchen.The maids prepared him food.
"Where is lan zhan?" Wei ying wanted to ask it but lan xichen was speaking first and didn't let him to ask.
"First eat!"lan xichen said.Wei ying huffed but waited patiently .This behavior was exactly like lan zhan , no speaking while eating.He finished quickly and stared at lan xichen waiting for an answer.Unfortunately,lan xichen wasn't good at telling lies.
"He went out for a while!"lan xichen looked down diverting his eyes from him.
Wei ying who was expert at reading people looked suspiciously at him.
"Where did he go?"
Lan xichen paused trying to find a convincing lie.
"Umm ...lan zhan ...went..went"
"Xichen-gege be honest with me Don't try to lie to me!" Wei ying was serious frowning.
"Okey he went to your mother to talk with her and convince her!"lan xichen sighed desperately.
"What?!!!Why did he go there alone??!!I should go after him now!"wei ying stood up exiting kitchen.He hadn't changed his cloth even .
"Wei ying!!! wait!Brother told me to look after you .Wait for him!"lan xichen tried to persuade him.Lan qiren heard lan xichen calling wei ying and then he saw wei ying walking out hurriedly.
"Wei ying !wait !what happened?!"lan qiren asked his niece.
"I told him where did brother go."lan xichen said.
"Uncle qiren,sorry but I should go after him."wei ying told uncle turning toward the door.As he was getting outside,he heared lan xichen and lan qiren saying he should not go out in this condition and he should wait for lan zhan.but wei ying was so freaking worried about his mother hurting lan zhan with her words that he didn't wait and went outside.He saw lan Zhan running toward him with ayuan in his embrace.
"Lan zhan!!"wei ying rushed closer to him.He cupped lan zhan's face , looked up and down checking him worriedly then looked at his face reading his expression.Lan zhan was like always but he seemed a little more happy but now worried.
"Wei ying!"
"Lan zhan!!why did you go alone?!!I was worried for you!"wei ying's eyes were teary with worry streaming in his eyes.
Lan Zhan cupped his face with his free hand.
"Wei ying!!Why did you come out?!!It is cold outside for you!!why did not you rest ?!"lan zhan then looked at his brother and uncle waiting for an explanation.
"Brother!When wei ying noticed you went to talk with his mother he wanted to come after you!"
Lan xichen answered.
"Wei ying! Let's go inside!Your body is cold!I will tell you later!!"
Wei ying saw his mother,father and siblings behind lan zhan .He looked back to lan zhan confused.

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