Chapter 10

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After ayuan got calmer,wei ying put Ayuan's head on his chest on left side while Ayuan sitting on his lap,arms wrapping around him gentely.
The pressure on his wound was giving him another headache and pain but none of them mattered.He knew how was Ayuan feeling without mother and he wasn't trying to understand the child's feeling cause he had already gone through it.His mother left him but she was alive however she was unreachable.

Wei ying was lost in his thoughts that didn't notice lan zhan had already put bowl beside the bed on the desk and now wanting to grab asleep Ayuan.
"Wei ying"his magical voice piercing Wei Ying's thoughts.
"Give me Ayuan,you are injured"lan zhan stretching his hands to hold Ayuan.
Wei ying was giving him to lan zhan,suddenly he thought of teasing lan zhan.lan zhan looked confused at his mischievous eyes,wondering what prank he is gonna do.As wei ying was putting Ayuan on lan zhan's embrace he came a little bit so close,his hand under Ayuan's back touched lan zhan's hand mischievously.
Wei ying's hand lingering like that "uh...i forgot"
He kissed Ayuan's forehead just to make his hand stay more with warm big hands under his hands.
Then he looked at lan zhan ,expecting a fierce and annoyed face but he was the one this time to be shocked.There was something on lan zhan's eyes that made him puzzled.His face was the same as always but the look in his eyes was different.It was the first time wei ying saw the warm look in his eyes.His heartbeat was racing loudly that he was afraid lan zhan could hear in the silence of the room.He immediately separated his hands, caming backward,feeling awkward.

"I will put him on bed"wei ying heared his voice but didn't look up directly to him.He was the one who wanted to tease lan zhan but he himself was teased.The more he thought about those warm hands the more he blushed.He could feel his cheeks,burning with heat.

Lan zhan took a look at him, seeing how he blushed,he found it cute.In his eyes,wei ying was now like a little cute child being shy.He moved again closer to wei ying to his favorite place beside wei ying, taking the bowl to feed him.
Lan zhan moved the spoon closer to his mouth,snapping out wei ying.
"Oh lan zhan thank you I won't trouble you i can eat myself " while wanting to grab the spoon.
"No need i will feed"

Wei ying chuckled suprised.Who would have imagined that lan zhan,second son of the great lan clan,would want to feed wei ying personally.
He couldn't believe his eyes anymore.So he opened his mouth obediently,letting lan zhan feed him.After he finished eating.lan zhan wiped his mouth.

"Thanks lan zhan,it was so delicious "wei ying said happily while patting to his own abdomen.
His behavior was like a pregnant woman patting her child in his belly.lan zhan's eye softened at this sight.As wei ying noticed lan zhan's gaze ,he stopped patting immediately and laughed awkward to distract him from his pregnant like bahavior.

A week later
Wei ying was watching outside from his room's window ,lost in his thoughts.He was thinking about the last week with lan zhan, taking care of him and Ayuan,definitely he would be the best father,banning wei ying from moving around with stern face making wei ying docile,cooking food for them everyday, giving him the notes of the class as he couldn't go to college because of injuries.He was feeling more than a friend to lan zhan but it scared him.Maybe lan zhan was seeing him as a friend and not more.What should he do if lan zhan noticed his feeling and didn't want to be his friend anymore.He was so attached to lan zhan that didn't have enough courage to confess to lan zhan.He was satisfied with lan zhan being his friend he thought to himself " I can't risk losing him it is better to be convinced even i could be just a friend.He sighed sadly.
A knock on the door and an uncomfortable wen ning standing there not knowing how to tell him the message.

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